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Holographic Data Storage To Hit Market In 2006 up to some terrabyte of data

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Hello,I'm pretty amased by this technology . It promises great capacities and access times less than 200 miliseconds.The prototype has already been shown in April and now i've been reading some news abot it.Take a look yourself if interested:

This is the link i've found about this technology:


These are the news on the company's website


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As soon as something like this hits the markey computers and other devices will never be the same again. Nice find, pity it most likely be expensive and will be released quite late in the near future.

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Shame these aren't currebtly viable for home computers I mean sure it would be great to have one but if you can only write to it once (currently) not really all that usefull is it and it will be super mega expensive. but still 300GB storage and 200 milisecond access times is pretty cool and offers some kind of idea as to the sppeds of computers to come if they ever do develope this into a viable long term storage medium.

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how is this any differnt the the hard drives that carry that kind of space right now at a cheaper price most likly?

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Well, I don't know the millisecond access time of normal hard drives but... I suppose it's faster.Usually, normal HD on new computers run at 5400 rpm (rounds per minute) You can get much faster ones...I've seen one that was something like 10400 rpm as a web hosting server...But--if it's right once then its not really useful :PThe article said that in 2007-2008 a write/read/erase would come out...Now, that'd be good :P

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So much for my 1GB flash memory USB stick. hehe If this is possible, I hope that they can increase it's capacity and speed greatly to replace regular computer hard drives. With current seek times of 8 and 9 milliseconds, these holographic items will need to pick up on speed quickly, otherwise be sold at very low prices when speed is not a factor. I could see this being used commercially in the near future, but I hope they come in sizes small enough to fit in someone's pocket, with huge capacities. :P

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Remember, they said that they aren't trying to replace computer hard drives. There is nothing wrong with write-once technology, although it would limit the disks to commertial use (but it would mean some very high-quality videos or very large computer/console games).

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wow, those things are pretty fast...i just bought a extern hard-disk. 40gb that has 5400 rpm.most harddisks are 7200 rpm, but i wanted a 5400 rpm because they are for laptops and those harddisks are smaller, so easyer to cary with you.

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I don't think that these will ever really catch on in the PC market; the HDD that we have now are still being improved upon, and they have a huge head-start. There is, on the high end market, a 1Tb HDD that can transfer data at 3Gb/s. I just don't there are any advantages to getting holographic storage over disk storage.

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I don't think that these will ever really catch on in the PC market; the HDD that we have now are still being improved upon, and they have a huge head-start.  There is, on the high end market, a 1Tb HDD that can transfer data at 3Gb/s. I just don't there are any advantages to getting holographic storage over disk storage.

As I, and the article, have said, this technology isn't trying to replace the HDD technology; it's instead an alternative form of portable data storage, which will be necessary, since there is a limit to the amount of data that a HDDVD/Blu-ray disk can hold. There's always a step further.

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Hello,I'm pretty amased by this technology . It promises great capacities and access times less than 200 miliseconds.The prototype has already been shown in April and now i've been reading some news abot it.Take a look yourself if interested:


This is the link i've found about this technology:




These are the news on the company's website




wow that things amazing so much stuff u can store on it im gonna get one of them

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Wow this is so cool. Hope our processors can work on such data rates smoothly. Me thinks it'll take time for this texhnology to seep into the consumer market and even if it does only power users are gonna buy it. So we'll have to find some use for the commoners say High=Definition video. say, that's a good idea!

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