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Assumptions In The Media.

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In Canada right not we, as I'm typing this, are being faced with a major political event, known as a vote of no confidence. Anyway I've noticed this before but have never been near the computer to type this. After the motion when through the announcer said something to the effect , The next step is for Paul Martin to go to the governor general and ask for a writing of an election writ, it is expected that the election will be held January 23. How do they know that? It has happened before, martin is expected to make some speech on this day or say what will become of the 9 billion in oil revenue that wasn't budgeted. How's this If I were leader of a country You wouldn't know what the press conference was about until I started talking. And if someone were to say we expect the election will be held on the 23rd, well I tell you it would be the 30th, just to stick it to em.

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I am Canadian also, and my understanding is that the Government in Power must be able to pass its motions without fail. As we have a "Minority Government" in effect at present, the majority vote in the House of Commons depends on the inclusion of a small number of non-majority party MP's (Member of Parliament). And these non-majority party members didn't like the proposed vote, so the Govt failed to carry its motion , so they must call an election. Timing for the date of the election is stipulated in the Rules of the House (or someplace in Law), so the choices are limited. Also, the Journalists that report from Ottawa are well connected and probably got the date from inside sources.Ditto on the subject and or content of a Press Conference. Reporters wouldn't attend if they didn't know what it was about, but their inside sources may have leaked some info to prompt them to attend.Either way, see you at the Polls soon?

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We sort of have a majority minorty type of goverment in the united states except we have 2 houses of congress and one is representitive of the majority and one of the minority so when laws are being made they have to pass each house with the majority rule it then goes to the president who then signs it or vetos it and then it can go back into the houses of congress then get overridden with a 2/3 majority vote. this is very eficent because it represents many of the small and large states equally i guess. i mean it does have some falws but we dont have to worry about this majority rule thing. Everything moves sommther in our goverment.

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yeah i been reading about the canadian government pretty much going to crap, and from what i reall about 300 people have to be revoted back in or replaced as well cuz of this, im surprised canada hasn't borken out in riots and stuff since pretty much their is no government body in charge right now.

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im surprised canada hasn't borken out in riots and stuff since pretty much their is no government body in charge right now.

We're just above all that :P , as an example, in social class we just read an essay about Canadian geography. And the author made an interesting statement. Apparently there was a judge (or something like that) who was on a committee, and the committee was posed the question, what do we do about the Quebec Separatist problem?, that is one of the oldest provinces in Canada wanted to break off and form their own country. This judge, who was from England, said that we should charge them all with treason, at this statement he was nearly laughed out of the room. The very notion of charging someone who wanted to separate was absurd. And even now there are very few countries where you could propose the issue and not get shot. I don't mean to offend anyone right now but just look at Russia, there are whole masses of land that want to split off, and instead of rational negotiation, (in some cases, not all) it is just all out war.But more to the point of that, we are certainly faced with problems now, there was a case, its not even over yet, where 300 million dollars went missing. That is actually where the recent overturning of the government has came from.

Wow looking back at that I didn't mean to type quite that much.

Either way, see you at the Polls soon?

Afraid not, they don't let me vote, and I'm not sure I would given the chance. Outside the little facts that I gather I find all the finger pointing and blame sickening. I pay very little attention to the affairs they are actually arguing over. But that is a whole other vent :P

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