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How Annoying People Where Do You Come From

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Well time for me to have a little Vent again. I havent had one for a little while now and it is because things have been going ok lately. But the time has come for another one. And OMG this one is not about boyfriends or relationships or anything :) Miracles will happen.Well I start my Network. It's not even Officially Opening until Jan 1, 2006. However, I have all these complaint Emails coming through from people Visiting my website. Complaining that Chat isn't running, complaining that the site isnt working, complaining that they dont have their ZN Email Address yet. Wanting to know why?Simple, as I reply to them in most cases. The ZN Network does NOT Officially Open until the 1st of Jan 2006. I'm sorry that you feel you need to complain about the way things are running. But *darn* people, this is the stage where the website is created to the best it can be and the Chat Network is designed. Like give me a break. I have been working so *darn* hard on this for Months now and it is coming to together. Stop your whining and complaining and wait until after the opening. There is also going to be bugs in a system until they are sorted out.Arh now I feel better after that. :P Now time to go back to working on the website.

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Yeah, it's annoying how some people skip the details and go complain about something... B) Are they blind or something? Anyway, it's definitely good to let out your feelings, especially the bad ones. That's what vents are for. Anyway, there will always be people who don't care about details, no matter how annoying it may seem. I mean, I've given instructions before, and people just don't follow it. Just remember, there will always be people who care about those details. :) They'll make everything better. :P

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People just get so antsy sometimes. They do need to learn to take the time to read what is going on before they complain about something. The same thing occurs here at Xisto and everywhere else. If you want to complain you need to make sure you have all the details straight. Of course I think everyone does it at some point. I probably have a couple times.

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Ya man people are always gonna complain about stuff like that you just gota live through it. Funny people diss stuff when they dont have it/ and its not working right and when they do have it they just use it use it till it breaks and no thanks for anything along the way lol gotta love the world today.

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There are tons of people out there who starts complaining right away without reading everything. I consider them all spam mail and either reply somewhat meanly, or just ignore them. Haha. It's a wonder why people can't read a few lines and instead, they have to complain about something they don't even have to pay for.

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hey, my eMail doesn't work and your chat is buggy ... wait a moment, what site am I ranting about anyways? :Pgood luck ... and ignore those folks how keep complaining about your site being under construction =)

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People so need to learn how to read. Like on the main page is message of information etc on what is happening and everything else. *darn* if people dont read how do they really know what is going on and when.All they need to do is open there eyes and they will see exactly what is going on. Is it really that hard? My goodness, on average at the moment I am getting approx. 10 complaints a day. So why dont people learn how to read. If you dont know how to then why are you at a site where there is a lot of information and text formatting?Blah ... Im in another ranting mood after finishing going through another days of complaint Emails ...

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