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I Hate The Phone Company still no internet line

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so we moved about two months ago. just like 50 meters acros the street. and when we moved it took the phone company 4 days to give us a like for the phone and our internet was nowhere to be seen. so they said ok on november the 22nd you will have your internet line. so i call nearly evey day to make sure they got it right and today they say. "oh we lost our applications form somehwere. we will try what we can to get you internet as soon as possible." well if for them soon is in another month i might as well get satelite dsl. bla. stupid T-Com.

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geez, that long? B) you should lodge a formal complaint about that if they don't deliver as promised. and bombard them every single day with phone calls to follow-up on your internet connection application. otherwise, you might just as well get a satellite dsl as you are planning. B) at least you have other options open for you. good luck, hope they don't take too long for you to again enjoy your access to the online world. B)

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I thought that my phone company was bad but it is not as bad as yours. They charge us something around the area of 80 dollars a month for the phone package I have. I would go with another company but they have a monopoly in my area.

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From where I came from, it's just something like what sxyloverboy had described. The phone company is just as stupid and lazy as their grandmothers! I had to flood their phone lines before i could get them to come fix my internet line.And when the technicians arrived, OMFG! They STINK like as if they've just came up from a pool filled with *BLEEP*! Since then I gave up on them and changed to another phone company which was WAY more reliable.

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OH, so dont get my started on Phone Companys. I have already made my Vent for tonight, but here is a little bit more. My phone company charged me $390 to transfer my phone to three houses away. It took 3 hours to transfer and all they had to do was flick a switch after they had the instructions in the computer. Like *darn*, I would love 390$ to flick a switch. With how many times I hit my keyboard keys in a day I would be a multi-millionaire before I know it.

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Well so its all been cleared up now. I had like 3 diffrent groups of people that were trying to get the line fixed and on monday one called and said hed done it and then today these other people said they were trying to get it done but they would take till monday and were really suporised when i told them it was already ok. anyways here the phone company isnt the ISP and its fairly cheap internet here. i pay around $30 a month and get a 6000 broadband connection. Good deal :P

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dude that sux ! :P but you allredy know that.And you are from Germany ? whou i thinked that its better then here in Serbia.Here they wont even gave you telephon line if they are too lazy. And for internet .. huh. I hate em. Here we can only get some stupid dial-up and nothing more. They dont even think of ISDN ADSL DSL Cable... ;) Wouldnt they get more mony if we use something better then dial up ? realy wierd guys in T-com.A little bit off topic but my friend once signed up for call on wait. And he had realy big problems with his bill. When he use call on wait it wont stop billing him impulses untill next time he use that function :) So yes, i hate guys from Phone company.

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and bombard them every single day with phone calls to follow-up on your internet connection application.


Now, that's a solution! Works like a charm in many situations! (experience :)) Just jump on their back for a while and you should get your internet connection in no time, after all, the only thing that they can do in order to get rid of you is just to do what they are supposed to do! ;)



No kidding? JOIN THE CLUB! :P


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