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What Inspires You and what you put in a gfx design?

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There are many talented gfx people here, I'm wondering what sort of things inspire you when making a graphic such a sig.

Do you make the background that matches your theme first and then find a render and text that will suit?

Do you find a render first that matches your theme and then create your background to suit?

What determines the colors you use?

Personally I tend to find a render I like and work from that.

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Well normally I will download a new pack of brushes, try them out and then find a render that matches. If I have a sig I am making for a clan I will take a render from what the clan is about and make a sig that would match. If I am making a gift I do pretty much the same thing.

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I just play around with different stuff in photoshop until I get something I like. For example, if I have time to waste, I'll open photoshop, play with some brushes, and when I see something I like, I'll colorize it, go into my renders folder, pick out a render, and create a sig. I don't spend my time just making sigs, however, because I feel that's the way to making poor quality sigs.

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I don't spend my time just making sigs, however, because I feel that's the way to making poor quality sigs.


I'm confused by this, I would have thought the more practice the better so you can try new ideas and techniques. How do you feel it lowers the quality of your sigs?


Inspiration for sigs that you are making for a purpose, e.g. a clan or a request, is easy. With these sigs it must fit a particular theme or people tell you want they want. I'm talking about when you make a sig just for the hell of it.

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I usually just brush, color, then pick out a render. But, what inspires is when i look at other people's sigs. If i find something that blows me away. I try to do the same. If i cant, i just keep on trying, hopefully find a tutorial along the way, until i notice an improvement. Right now, the only thing about my sigs that i feel needs more work is the text.

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Looking at other people's sigs is one way to get inspiration. Another way is to look at other graphic designs too. At least that is one way that I get inspired when created graphics for sigs and my websites. I think that many people learn alot from experimentation and trial and error. You have to work at graphics and using graphic programs to do well at it. Then again I do know that there are a few of those uber talented people out there that can just do it without thinking. Those are the people that I envy.

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