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What Happens If You Are Gone? I might have to leave and need help.

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Might as well ask this question now. I may be leaving in a year to go work for two straight months. I would probably be leaving in june and gone till the end of August. I would like to know how long I can stay inactive if I have a enough credits? I will have about 200 when I leave, so I will have more then enough. I won't be able to get online or anything. Is it possible to PM a mod or admin and just have them suspend it for two months? Thanks guys in advance.

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wild20,Unless the policy changes between now and then, and I certainly don't have the inside scoop, one credit equals one day. Alternatively, I think Opaque will let you buy some credits for short term situations such as this. When it gets closer to the date, PM a mod or Admin and they will direct you then.

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We cannot suspend your account. Think about it. If every member decided to do that, then we would not have a forum anymore, and, consequently, Xisto hosting would cease to exist.You can, however, PM OpaQue and ask him to purchase credits. He'll give you a reasonable estimate.Another alternative is to post excessively (without spamming) until you have enough credits to last your hiatus.

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each day passed thy will discount credits from your account, so you better have much credits if you are planning to go out the city or your house for many days, is good to mantain your account over ten credits, in this way if something happends to you, your page will not be blocked and your public will not have troubles visiting your page.

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wild20, as far as I can see, if you are leaving for around 60-70 days, and you have over 200 credits, and if, like jlhaslip said, the policies here don't change, then you should be fine. You'll have a little over 100 credits when you come back, that is all :lol: You don't need to suspend your account, because your account can be hosted as usual, since you have enough credits to keep it going...


Take care and cheers!

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question is answered even though it has been posted several other times about how where can I get credits cuz I am leaving.---TOPIC CLOSED---

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