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Patent Office Grants Patent For Anti-grav Device

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Yep, anti-gravity. Apparently it

alters the curvature of space-time outside the craft in a way that counteracts gravity

The patent office has broken its rule to not grant patents for things that defy the laws of physics. The reason they say anti-gravity can't work is because it requires an unlimited amount of energy. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens...

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Yep, anti-gravity. Apparently it The patent office has broken its rule to not grant patents for things that defy the laws of physics. The reason they say anti-gravity can't work is because it requires an unlimited amount of energy. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens...


Thats weird... wonder if its meant to be a joke or if its actually real

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An anti-gravity machine would require an infinite amount of energy, which doesn't exist. Either the guy who invented it is a nutter, a prankster, or will be incredibly rich after being able to produce energy from nothing.Still, it'll be interesting to see what actually happens.

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This is the U.S. Government, when have they ever joked?

When they said Iraq had WMD.

Now surely it's just theory that an anti-gravity machine needs unlimited amounts of enery. And, like most theories, it could be wrong. Or maybe this person has figured out a way that doesn't required unlimited amount of energy to be powered.
Plus you all are just quoting the article when you say that it requires unlimited energy yet provide no link or reference to other articles which say the same thing or at least provide reasoning to the theory.

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