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Manderin Ribbon My new comic. :-)

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Hey homies. I make a comic, animation, and drawing every couple of weeks and put it on my other page, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . This week I made one about the yellow Ribbons you see on SUVs everywhere. Checks it out if you want:

Manderin Ribbon

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I get yelled at by people when I'm too critical...and I tend to be. But I'll allow you to be as critical with me as you want. I must warn you. I'm a spelling nazi and a lover of fine graphic design work. Let the review begin.


Well, I'll start with your comic because that's what I saw first. Your dinosaur thing's expressions are pretty funny, but it's easy to get lost. You might want to try a page-by-page display. Second, if you have an image editing software (Photoshop, Fireworks, PSP), you should probably enhance it in there. The pencil isn't very clear in some areas. I should add that Mandarin is the correct spelling. But kudos. It's a good start.


Second, your site's flash entry has some cute little creatures, but you can hardly read the text on the speech bubbles. The backgrounds don't match and you might want to work on your nav. menu. Good work so far.


Your HTML entry page (the splash page) is a little clogged with all those advertisements and things. You might want to consider a seperate page for those.


The actual HTML page has some mismatched colors and you would probably do better with a solid color background on your news table than the image, since the image doesn't extend.


I would rate it about...a 6.5/10. You have talent, definitely, but you're having a little trouble expressing it.

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thanks homie. One the "actual" HTML page, there is a solid background in the news section. :-P I dont get wat you mean. I don't really care if i mispell the Mandarin. heh heh heh. <_< I use paintshop pro to enhance Manderin Terms sometimes. I use the sharpen thing so it's darker. you can hardly read the speech bubbles? really? that sucks. heh. do u know how to fix that? Just like make the text bigger or something? :-)

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I guess you can just make the speech bubbles bigger and the text bigger, or cut some text and make the text bigger. <_<

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