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Public_html Or Www Problem Site wont show up.

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I've got a problem with my site. When I'm copying it in www folder and trying to look I've got only cpanel's error : There is no website configured at this address.So I thought that I need to copy my site in public_html folder and when I'm copying my site there I still got the same problem!Then I tried with "fantastico" to install nuke PHP. Instalation was completed succesfully but when I'm trying to get on my nuke It shows me the same : There is no website configured at this address.I'm hosting with mine domain... So where I must "configure" my site in cpanel or Can it be that this problem is my domains fault?

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Because your yourname.us.tt is not TLD (top level domain). The company who provided you with your own domain acts like a URL redirect. You own the subdomain of their domain. Get it? It's similar to CO.NR redirect name service.

So this is what you have to do:
1) change your domain name to whatever.trap17.com (cost 15 credits) https://support.xisto.com/
2) make sure whatever.trap17.com is accessable BEFORE going to step #3
3) log into yourname.us.tt and add whatever.trap17.com as your target URL
4) from now on you FTP and cPanel to ftp.whatever.trap17.com and whatever.trap17.com/cpanel

For more information about setting up FTP and cPanel, look through my signature links.

Thank you.

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Because your yourname.us.tt is not TLD (top level domain). The company who provided you with your own domain acts like a URL redirect. You own the subdomain of their domain. Get it? It's similar to CO.NR redirect name service.


So this is what you have to do:

1) change your domain name to whatever.trap17.com (cost 15 credits) https://support.xisto.com/

2) make sure whatever.trap17.com is accessable BEFORE going to step #3

3) log into yourname.us.tt and add whatever.trap17.com as your target URL

4) from now on you FTP and cPanel to ftp.whatever.trap17.com and whatever.trap17.com/cpanel


For more information about setting up FTP and cPanel, look through my signature links.


Thank you.


Thank you very much... I wanted to kill myself :) now I need to get 15 credits... So I'll go and look for interesting topics ;)

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Now I've got another problem... I can't get domain I already got 15 credits going to https://support.xisto.com/ there choose #2:Change Domain/Subdomain entering my login and password and I've got that message :

User Data Verfied Successfully!Changing password.. This can take time...Please be patient..(Do not hit Reload or Back). This can take a lot of time.. Please be very patient..Connecting...Domain Change Failed!
What is wrong? I can't just get it... What I must do or what I did wrong?

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Because you don't have enough credits. Your credits were reduced due to posting against the board rules. Check your warning level.


Wow! And for what I've got 10% warning lv?

And when my warning lv will be 0% again?

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just take it easy.you won't see that my warn level is 30% ^_^ i'm still waiting for the back to 0 of it.if you need domain now i have some domain not using..if this could help you just went up for that.and i know there is lots of people gave this service,but the domain you only can use but don't belong to yourself.you know?the whoise information is not yours.guangdian

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