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New Vid Ipods Rock my Socks off

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Apple's new ipod and ABC deal

Apple has always Monoplozed music entertainment scince the realease of the iPod (yea the ghetto huge, Not memory wise, ones) Well they have finally ddecided to release the long awaited for iPod Video!

Steve jobs the CEO of apple said that he has teamed up with ABCTo provid eseveral of the season new epoisodes the day after realese for download 1 hour with commercials at 1.99$ apeice its not that bad of a deal really or i say so myself

Steve jobs says broad band is cirticul for the new service seeing as a hour of video full qaulity is about a 15 -0 20 min download on 769KB DSL

Over 2000 music videos will be available for download on the new iTunes along with six short films produced by Pixar. The video content is available only in the United States at present.

Jobs believes that the deal is the first to allow downloads of new TV programs to PCs or video players. ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Company, and new Disney CEO Robert Iger joined Jobs on stage to announce the partnership.

When they become available next week, the 30GB version of the new video player iPod will cost $299 and the 60GB version will cost $399. The company said that the new iPods can hold up to 15,000 songs, 25,000 photos, or over 150 hours of video, depending on their capacity; cases for both models will be available in either black or white. You can find more details about the new players' specifications at Apple's Web site.
The company announced that the new iPods have a superior battery life of up to to 20 hours--5 hours longer than previous models had. The 30GB iPod is 30 percent thinner than the 20G-byte model it is replacing, but comes with more storage and the 2.5-inch screen, Apple said.

New iMacs
Apple also plans to introduce a new generation of iMac all-in-one desktop computers that will come with a built-in video camera and faster G5 processors. The new systems will feature a small remote control that activates media-organizing software called Front Row, which will be available in every new iMac.

Front Row is Apple's answer to Microsoft's Windows XP Media Center Edition operating system. Like Media Center, Front Row allows users to organize their music, photos, and videos from a central location; and the remote control is designed to be used from across a room, rather than directly in front of the screen.

But Front Row's remote is much smaller and simpler than those used by Media Center PCs, Jobs said. He showed pictures of two Media Center PC remote controls, one with 43 buttons and one with 45. The new iMac remote control has 6 buttons.

The new iMac costs $1299, the same as its thicker predecessor. At that price it comes configured with a 1.9-GHz PowerPC G5 processor, a 17-inch built-in display, 512 megabytes of DDR2 (double data rate 2) SDRAM (synchronous dynamic RAM) running at 533 MHz, Apple's SuperDrive for burning DVDs and CDs, a 160GB hard drive, and an ATI Radeon X600 Pro graphics card with 128MB of video memory.

A more powerful version priced at $1699 has a 2.1-GHz PowerPC G5 processor, a 20-inch display, 512MB of DDR2 SDRAM running at 533 MHz, a SuperDrive, a 250GB hard drive, and an ATI Radeon X60 XT graphics card.

Found that whiel diggni for iPod info firguered it would be well liekd as well

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wow, that is awesome, they just released the ipod nano, and no Video ipods? And it costs about the same price as a regular IPODs. I can't wait till it comes out and i get a job, that might be the first thing i'm going to buy. Do you have a link or picture of the new video ipods?

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I'm not really sure how this will go over. I do like offering TV shows for download, obviously it would better if it was free, but 1.99 isn't bad. However I think that the some what luke warm reception to the PSP and it's UMD movies seems to indicate that people don't want to walk around watching video on a tiny little screen. What make the ipod great, and most other MP3 players, great is your ability to fill it with your entire music catalogue and stick it in your pocket and listen. Personally I don't want to walk around trying to watch music videos on a tiny little screen. It's just doesn't seem worth it to me./rant

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I read that the shows that apple is selling are VHS quality, and that you shouldn't expect any show to be worth watching other than on your ipod because of the poor quality. I think the 15 gig. is going to be $299 USD. It's also slimmer than the normal ipod.

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I don't think that this is really all that great. Maybe if it could be used like a DVR to store video that you record from your own collection (Like ripping DVDs) and viewing them on a TV screen in a hotel or something. That would be cool, and useful for travellers. But simply downloading extremely low quality, force fed media, and having to pay extra for it, seems kind of useless. Not to mention that those low quality vids are going to take up a massive amount of space that could otherwise be used to store high quality audio files.reatum

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