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Request On A Small Design

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hey, im trying to make something off of a tutorial but im stuck.. theres this part i don't get it.. i tried it like 10 times but i never got it right.. can somebody maybe explain it better or make the psd file for me??

ok here is the tutorial..

1. Create a new Document about 779X600 pixels. This will fit perfect on an 800X600 Resolution. Set your BG color to white. Now create a new layer and grab your pen tool. Up at the top make sure your paths icon is selected. Now create a wavy line like mine. Now select your brush tool. Set your brush at 100 pt Hard Round brush. If you don\'t have this just take your 19pt and resize it using the Master Diamater Slider. Make sure your Opacity and Flow are set to 100 Then set your Foreground to a color other than white and go to your paths pallete and select the little arrow in the top right and select Stroke Path. Make sure you select Brush and Uncheck Simulate Pressure.2.Now Ctrl Click this Layer to highlight the selection and head over to your channels pallete. Load the Selection as a new channel by clicking the layer Mask looking icon. Now Our shape looks a little bumpy so we want to smooth it out. Deslect your channel (Ctrl+D). Then go to Filter>Blur>Gaussian Blur. And set your Blur amout to around 20 or so. Now press Ctrl+L to bring up your Levels Dialog box. Now drag the outside sliders towards the center and your channel should start to get crisp. When it is crisp go ahead and hit ok. 3. Now press your Load Channel As Selection Icon on your channels pallete. It looks like a dotted line circle. Ok, now your selection should be present. Head back to your layers pallete and delete layer 1 because were done with it and create a new layer. Now fill your selection with white and name this Pipe Bottom. Now of course you cant see what we\'ve just created because the bg is white also. Lets do a little airbrushing to bring something out of the mix. With your selection still present Create a new layer and then grab about a 100 pt soft round brush and set your foreground color to #DCDADA. Now up at the top set your flow to about 60%. Ok this is important. Don\'t put your Airbrush All the way inside your selection. Just barely let the edge of your brush hang over your selection and then start airbrushing along the edges. Now you should have something similar to mine when you get done.

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wheres the website that you got it from if it has pictures then i could better understand it almost sounds like a splash page. but i would have to look at the full tutorial to get a better understanding.

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it saysa "create a wavy line like mine"... if you posted the link im sure we could try to help you better. i didnt read more than the frist 2 or 3 sentences but by SM's reaction i think it wouldent help a lot. or you coul post the pics they have there too.

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oooh ok its another way to vector (i think) but with what i saw it make sense could have explained it more better but i know what he/she is talking about for the most part but yeah we would have to talk on yahoo or msn to do it better then posting or shouting in the shoutbox you should have my info already if you want could work on it (tonight my time) since I'm going to be leaving soon.

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