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Learn About Computers! Don't Ask Me Too Often! Too many people refer to me

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Either that or at least direct them to a helpful tutorial online or book they can purchase. I know if pointed in the right direction, most people can get along fine on their own.

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Usually the people who have to ask about computers are those who really have no idea, generally the older generations, right? I find it annoying too, when you try to explain, but they just don't get it. On any account I guess you have to grin and bear it, or teach a few properly and then get them to teach anyone else having issues. Some people are just too scared to poke around with computers and are probably too ignorant to realise just how easy it is. I think it's probably too easy for us to say "oh it's easy learn it yourself" as we've grown up with a certain degree of contact with computers.

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Ah, yes, i've had this problem many times as well. It's annoying and time consuming when you explain something to them and even give them screenshots of every single process and they still dont get it. But, what bothers me the most is when someone recommends you to someone else, then that person starts bothering you with their problem. Usually i just tell them, "i havent had any experience with your problem, so i can't help you." I believe, that people dont poke around cause they're either lazy or they think they're gonna mess up their computer even more.

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Oh, just how many times i gone mad when someone starts to ask me some rubbish about simple stuff on computers... I hate those situations! They should be better to actually turn on computer and try to do something on themselves instead of going arround and annoying others. There are thousands tutorial outposts on the Internet where they can find anything they want...And you want belive what happened to me about two years ago... Back then, I was just starting to learn about Unix systems and architecture, and my friend from school started to boast, something like he knows "thousands Unix codes,...". I found that absurde, because he always went bad on Pascal exams... And one day I went at his home to burn some music, and I don't remember what Linux distribution it was, but he didn't even know how to create shortcut on desctop... :P And that is the most annoying thing to me, people who glorify themselves, and they actually don't have a clue about thing they are talking about... :huh:

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Oh, just how many times i gone mad when someone starts to ask me some rubbish about simple stuff on computers... I hate those situations! They should be better to actually turn on computer and try to do something on themselves instead of going arround and annoying others. There are thousands tutorial outposts on the Internet where they can find anything they want...

And you want belive what happened to me about two years ago... Back then, I was just starting to learn about Unix systems and architecture, and my friend from school started to boast, something like he knows "thousands Unix codes,...". I found that absurde, because he always went bad on Pascal exams and on computer science lessons... And one day I went at his home to burn some music, and I don't remember what Linux distribution it was, but he didn't even know how to create shortcut on desctop... :P

And that is the most annoying thing to me, people who glorify themselves, and they actually don't have a clue about thing they are talking about... :huh:

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Don't feel mad about them. There are people who could not learn easily just by reading books or checking online tutorial site. Most of the time they need hands on helps and actual explainations from the experts. If they ask you questions, it means you are an expert for them. But you could explain to them that if they woun't explore their computers by themselves, they would not learn very well. You should help them with the basics, then let them play around. Just tell them that if their computers explode don't put the blame on you. hehehe

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It's really hard for some people to pretend they don't know things. :huh: maybe you can say "google.com" and they'll get the idea. Or perhaps you need to show them how to look stuff up on the internet. Like, that whole deal about teaching a man to fish so he can feed himself for life.

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I aggree this is really annoying, I mean sometimes they have good question, something that makes you think, hum, well I really don't know, and because I have had more experiance in it I might know where to look. Now when it's an easy thing that's another story. In my computers class a few years ago we were given a list of computer parts and asked what they did, some even had a picture. So questions like "what's an audio port do?" Gee you know that's a tough question, audio...that means sound, port well that's tricky, oh wait port that's where the boats go when they aren't at sea, so an audio port must be, well.... OH the place where the party boats go to get in on the good tunes. I mean seriously people THINK ABOUT IT, or better yet read the accompinaing notes.

If you want for people not to bug you with questions about something, pretend like you dont know it in the first place!

Good plan, only problem is, I think its a little late for that!!

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Well what I think if people ask question about computers then its fine...they are looking for some help then one should help them out.....but only till one limit..i.e. after that you can suggest them to read some books or anything like that....I'm in technical support and I know what kind of question I have to hear and then answer them back making sure that I dont use any technical jargons...which is hard..for e.g. you'll find it difficult to explain what is error 678 (in dialup) to a person who doesnt know what is START BUTTON...but we do that...I know its part of my job...and may be that is the reason I have lots of patience in me :huh:Now as far as explaining things to people is concerned...one should always encourage others to use the computer much...assure them that if anything will go wrong you'll be there to fix it but tell them to atleast use it and research more on it....give them some guidance accordingly..where you think they will not ask more question after that....and once they'll research they learn computer accordingly and wont ask you any more questions. :P

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Alot of my friends are always asking me to help them fix computer problems and it does get very fustrating. But while you are helping them you can always teach them a few things and they can do things themselves later on if they encounter the same problem. I don't mind helping friends too much because after they usually treat me to a meal.

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