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Guys That Won't Talk At Women Very Annoying

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seriously guys, this this is over a year old and yall are bringing it back now?almost all of the answers have been generally the same so whats the point of bringing it back?

I didn't check the dates, i just assumed it was new...since someone else posted on it just yesterday.

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Grr... reading that made me annoyed too. I get that treatment from my male busmates that are around 2 or 3 years younger than I am. They go talk about gaming consoles and stuff... I know what they're talking about, and I show them that I know, but they'd rather talk to their guy friends. I hate it when some guys think women are computer illiterate and stuff. >_< I hear things like "Games are for guys only." and some related crap. It's all about stereotypes. :blink: Oh, and when I go to computer shops and go ask around, I get weird looks. Well, I'm still young (I'm turning 16 a month from now)... and moreover... I'm a girl, so they probably think it's weird for me to be asking about such things like computer specs and stuff. The clerks don't even know anything. All they know is that they're selling such and such but... specs?I'm also annoyed that the guy didn't even acknowledge your presence. Is your brother the interpreter or something? Does that guy only see men? :wacko: Jeez... People who don't look at the person they're talking to are rude. If that happened to me, I'd complain to the manager or something. Being treated like that is something I just can't tolerate!

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