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Not Given Credit For A Post? Problem in the script?

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I just posted a reasonable post here and did not appear to be given any credits for it. I know this because I always check the number of credits I get for each post, just to see if I improve each time.

I don't really need the credits as I have plenty, but I'm wondering if there might be a problem with the 'credit' script. As you can see my post consisted primarily of a list, maybe this confused the script? Can someone please check if the script awards credits correctly when a list is used?

[EDIT] After further testing, it seems this problem is not confined to lists, I don't seem to be getting credits for any posts. :D Probably not for this one either. :ph34r:

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At first, I thought you might've posted in the "No Post Count" forums (basically meaning you get no hosting credits for your post), but after seeing in the Sig forum, you should be given credits. You may want to let the admins/moderators know about the problem and see what they can do.

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Strange, now I am being given credits for some posts. It seems to a problem associated with the Sig forums, has posting count been turned off for this forum? I hope not, that is the forum I mostly post in. :ph34r:

Notice from cmatcmextra:
edited as request
Edited by cmatcmextra (see edit history)

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Well that explains it, sounds fair to me. Is it possible to mark the 'Sigs' subforum like the subforum 'Test this...(No Post Count)' in the General forum so others know? Might stop a lot of people asking the same question.

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