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Anyone Want To Give Me A Sig? mabie describing me?

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ok, so I'm a newb at sigs, and I really am starting out so I can't make anything I can say "wow, that looks good" so here's some of the pointers:

I like a sig that describes me, so it should have a bass guitar somewhere, a skateboard(er shillouette) and some type of computer or robot or something. Be creative.

Somewere it has to be green and black, or pink and black, or both if you can do that while it still looks good. (they are my favorite colors)

it has to be manly, cuz I'm a guy, I don't really want a lady sig (no offense)

Somehow punk style. You know what I mean, right? sharpie markings, scratches, you know. If you want I could send you a font or two to use. I think you can download them at neverwillbes.nextdesigns.net, they are called PenciledIn, and AcidBoy

you could have some kind of scratched up frame type thing with a tech background or something like that, but use your imagination.



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You want the sig to have all of that on it? For a 400x150 sig that'd be kinda hard. I can get a guitar, silloute of a skateboardER on it, but it would look wierd because Guitar = Musicial and Skateboard = Punkish. Not ganna work well. Maybe a different combo? Get back to me and I'll start work on it.

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Hmm, i think i can manage all, except maybe the pink coloring...

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Had to make this a pop out sig. Couldnt get a good size for the robot boarder. Although, it's not really a skateboarder, it's close enough, and it's a robot, "be creative", right?



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Ps: how did you do it so quick?

It only takes me like 20+ minutes to make one sig. Not sure how long this one took. But i had to do a lot of blending, and searching for the perfect font, and whatnot.

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