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I've Experienced Some Problems In Trap17 please advise me

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Hi,My website has been hosted by trap 17. So as a condition, I have to be an active member of the forum. That's fine usually. However, I've recently encountered a problem ie. I can't access Xisto website to post my comment. In other words, when I tried to enter into Xisto website, my screen showed a messge 'this page cannot be displayed'. It happened for quite a few times.And then, of course, my website has sometimes been suspended because of this.HAs anyone experienced the same proble? Maybe it's because I'm in Bangkok now for holiday . Usually when I'm in the UK, I have faced with no such problem. Thanks a lot for your advice! :)

Notice from cmatcmextra:
Moving from General Talk
Edited by cmatcmextra (see edit history)

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did this happen today or this past weekendm it it happen this pass weekend that was fate i guess, but alli can say is, post when you can and try to stay above 10 hosting credits so just in case seomthing happens then you will be protected.

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This happened to me once except that could access Xisto forums just not my website. Here's the two things I've found you can do:

Add Xisto to your trusted sites

Go to Tools --> Internet Options

Then go to Privacy (I think)

Then click on Trusted Sites, then Add and enter *.trap17.com

That's all off memory, so it might be wrong. Next option is to download or install another browser. I recommend Opera or Firefox. Both are free and this is the solution I've been using for 1 or 2 months.

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It was probably just a little bit of down time. Every website has a little of it. It also could be that your internet wasn't working - at least that's the way it rolls over here in Texas. And it's usually not too difficult to be an active member. Like the others said, just post a lot in advance. If you need a few credits real fast to access your site or whatever, just let me know (AIM, MSN, whatever) - I have plenty that I can transfer.

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