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I want to thank the moderators and founders of this web hosting company. Its really an awesome service and a great way to save money. Thanks!I just would like to make a suggestion to the already GREAT Trap 17 service. I would just like to ask if its possible to add the following forums.A forum about Music, TV, Computer Games, Counsel games.Also I could like to know if its possible to maybe add a spell check mod onto the boards. Also could it be possible to make a forum that is based on the web hosting only like... pre-hosting questions... Server Questions....Thanks for listening.

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A spell-checker would be nice. Especially when it gets into the wee hours of the morning... and your head is about to fall off. Okay, not literally (I hope!) but you get the picture.And a place for pre-hosting questions would probably be a good idea, because you hear a lot of them - most that I notice are in the shoutbox, and answered up there too usually. But if there was a forum for those kind of questions, people would be able to look through them, and probably find the answer to what they were wondering. Because most of the questions are usually the same anyway.Or maybe there could be a FAQ section regarding that. There possibly is one already. I'm not really sure...Anyway... some good ideas.

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A spell-checker would be nice, but with all the hundereds of thousands of words in the english language and possible misspellings, it would be very hard to create (or cost a load of money) and probably take up quite a bit of b/w.


We have a forum for all questions and queries and that is the questions and queries forum. But, it would be a nice idea to split the forum up into subforums.


We have a music forum and a gaming forum with 3 active subforums. A TV forum however we do not have, maybe one could be added under Life Talk.


Midnightvamp, there are 2 faq type pages. There's one here (kindly set-up by Dooga) and Xisto's faq, but the rules and info are pretty much the same on Xisto.

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Yeah No Joke About The Speel Cheaker.Also I Think There Once Was A Music Topic And I Know Moives Was There To But That was A SUpper Long Time Ago. If They Are Gone Now I Think They Schould Be Up. Now Would The Post Count? Because I Knwo In The Past People Thought Things Like This Schoulded Be Counted For Credits. I Really Thing They Schould BeCause We Are Still Posting and Keeping Xisto Active. - NightWolf - Sory Bad Spelling! :)

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