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What Did I Do Wrong?

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Hiya,I have just processed my free hosting account and I think I must have done something wrong somewhere as the credits vs hosting package doesn't add up.When I applied and was approved for hosting I had less than 30 credits. As I wanted Package2 I thought I would build up more than 30 credits so I could get it before I processed the account. I built up 35 credits and went to process my account. During processing I didn't see anything to allow you to choose what package you want, so I thought ok, it must work it out based on the credits you have. The account I was given was Package1 (20mb), so I thought ok, then maybe you have to start with Package1 and then upgrade. I went to upgrade and it said I didn't have enough credit. Now I look at my credits and it says I have 1.99 days of credit. From what I have read elsewhere in the forums, 1 day = equals 1 credit. This means somewhere I have lost something in the order of 23 credits.35 credits to start less 10 credits for package1 = 25 creditsI can build the credits up again so it doesn't bother me too much. I'm confused as to what happened and disappointed I missed out on package2.Anyone have any ideas what I did wrong and what happened to my credits?

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Steps to ask for free hosting



Go here



click "let's get started" button



Fill default form (here you will be able to choose package)



After you will fill all information click "generate aplication" button

Text for new thread will be generated



go here and create new thread in

"Free Web Hosting > FREE WEB HOSTING > FREE WEB HOSTING REQUESTS > Free Web Hosting Account request" forum,

use generated text for that


You just made reguest for free web hosting :P but it's not finish yet

Now you must wait while site ADMINS will read your reguest and will deside accept or reject your application it can take few days wail ADMINS will do that so often check this link to se is your application accepted or NOT.


How to know is my apllication accepted or rejected ;) ?

-If your topic will be locked it mean that application was Accepted :P

-If your topic was deleted it mean that application was Rejected :P



try to earn about 10 ponts more that you actualy need for package before making reguest for free hosting!!!

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Once you are accepted for free web hosting, your credits will automatically reset to 2. This feature is to keep new members active in posting right off the get-go. Unfortunately for you, you got a little confused.When you apply, you apply either for package one or package two. It's what you apply for that's what you will receive if you are accepted. You can apply for either one at any time, no need to upgrade or anything like that. What you apply for is what you will get, and evidently, you applied for package one, and after you were accepted you were set up with the package one features...once you were accepted you were only going to get package one, there was no option. But for you, you were confused...I would state your case to OpaQue. You are one of some others recently who hasn't fully understood the process of receiving free hosting here at Xisto, but hopefully things will work out for you. Welcome to Xisto!

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Thanks for the information. I can't remember, but I must have applied for package1 and that was what was approved. No big deal, I'll just earn more credits and upgrade, (remembering that every letter I type leads to more credits :P )


I knew it must have been something I did wrong. Bit of a shame to waste 20 or so credits by having it reset back to 2 credits, but that's the way it goes sometimes. ;)


Notice from cmatcmextra:
Fixed mistake

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