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Group Moderators I just noticed

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I just noticed that some moderators have been here less time, then let's say - me - and have even less posting then let's say - me -. How does that work. I'm not saying all of them but some do. I always though that to be a moderator you would have to here awhile and actually be real active member of this community.

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I was invited by NilsC to be a moderator. I initially turned it down but then I knew I would have some free time coming up and accepted it. Well now I live here.To become a moderator you do not have to have the seniority of anything. You do not merit from higher posting numbers and such. Some members are actually administrators or moderators of OpaQue's other sites. They were called here to help and enforce much younger forum. Therefore, they have already demonstrated their abilities as good moderators. OpaQue simply invited them to manage Xisto, or they volunteered.<< I'm moving this to Questions & Queries >>

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You can be really active in the Xisto community, but if you don't help members, report topics, or try to help improve the forum in any way, you will never get asked to be a moderator. Some people here, including me, noticed tiny little errors with the forum, and they took the time to PM the admin about it. Then, after noticing that said person cares about the forum, that person get an invitation. It's just that simple.

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Contributing is very important for a community, and a lot of moderators have organized projects, created scripts, and even reported numerous bad posts. Sometimes, a moderator has a harder job, because they have to clean up the forum, protect members, and are the first ones to endure some offensive and unconfortable posts.

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I don't think moderators have to be the most active people in the forums, personally. What they should do, while they are on, is manage the forums to the best of their ability. It is what they were called or volunteered to do. The moderators have improved dramatically since I first joined, and I am not saying that it was bad back in March, but rather the moderators have done more "moderating" than ever before. Now, there may be more errors being made by our members, but if that is the case then our moderators are doing a fine, if not spectacular, job of cleaning up mistakes. I won't base my reputation of a moderator based on how active he/she may be, rather I base my reputation on how affective they are at their responsiblities.

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