Microsoft 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2005 (edited) im gonna gives some codes....This code will make a blue ball where u click it and falls down, and bounces <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><HTML><HEAD><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="TextPad 4.4"><LINK href="general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"><!-- Original: �Dragos Saracu ( --><!-- Cross Browser by: �Bob Simpson ( --><!-- Contributor URL: � �--><!-- Beginfunction BrowserCheck() {var b = navigator.appName;if (b == "Netscape") this.b = "NS";else if (b == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.b = "IE";else this.b = b;this.v = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);this.NS = (this.b == "NS" && this.v>=4);this.NS4 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 4);this.NS5 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 5);this.IE = (this.b == "IE" && this.v>=4);this.IE4 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 4')>0);this.IE5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0);if (this.IE5 || this.NS5) this.VER5 = true;if (this.IE4 || this.NS4) this.VER4 = true;this.OLD = (! this.VER5 && ! this.VER4) ? true : false;this.min = (this.NS||this.IE);}is = new BrowserCheck();// �End --></script></HEAD><BODY Background=../graphics/grayback.jpg><center><BR><BR><BR>Click anywhere to start script<br><div id="staticBall" style="position:relative;visibility:visible"><img src="ball.gif" height=30 width=30 alt="Static ball"></div></center><div id="ball" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute; left:100; top:10; height:34; width:34"><img src="ball.gif" height=30 width=30 alt="Bouncing ball"></div><script language="Javascript1.2"><!-- Beginiter = 0;setId = 0;down = true;up = false;bouncingBall = (is.VER5) ? document.getElementById("ball").style: (is.NS) ? document.layers["ball"]: document.all["ball"].style;stillBall = (is.VER5) ? document.getElementById("staticBall").style: (is.NS) ? document.layers["staticBall"] : document.all["staticBall"].style;winH = (is.NS) ? window.innerHeight - 55 : document.body.offsetHeight - 55;document.onmouseup = buttonUp;if (is.NS4)document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP);function buttonUp(e) {if ( ((is.NS) ? e.which : event.button) != 1) return true;if (setId != 0) clearInterval(setId);bouncingBall.visibility="visible";stillBall.visibility="hidden";bouncingBall.left = (is.NS) ? e.pageX - 15 : event.offsetX - 15; = (is.NS) ? e.pageY - 15 : event.offsetY - 15;iter = 0;setId = setInterval("generateGravity()", 20);return true;}function generateGravity() {if ((parseInt( < winH) && down) { = parseInt( + iter;iter++;return;}else {if ((parseInt(< winH) && down) { = winH + 5;return;}down = false;up = true;if (iter < 0 && parseInt( > winH) {clearInterval(setId);bouncingBall.visibility = "hidden";stillBall.visibility="visible";setId = 0;}if (parseInt( > 0 && up && iter >= 0) { = parseInt( - iter;iter--;if (iter%3 == 0) iter--;return;}down = true;up = false;� }}// End --></script></center></BODY></HTML> This code will tell the user what browser he/she is using and what version for example this is mineBrowser Name: NetscapeBrowser Version: 1.0.6firefox code: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><HTML><HEAD><LINK href="general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></HEAD><BODY Background=../graphics/grayback.jpg><center><BR><BR><BR><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Original: �Gregor ( --><!-- Beginvar useragent = navigator.userAgent;var bName = (useragent.indexOf('Opera') > -1) ? 'Opera' : navigator.appName;var pos = useragent.indexOf('MSIE');if (pos > -1) {bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 5);var pos = bVer.indexOf(';');var bVer = bVer.substring(0,pos);}var pos = useragent.indexOf('Opera');if (pos > -1) {bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 6);var pos = bVer.indexOf(' ');var bVer = bVer.substring(0, pos);}if (bName == "Netscape") {var bVer = useragent.substring(8);var pos = bVer.indexOf(' ');var bVer = bVer.substring(0, pos);}if (bName == "Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 5) {var pos = useragent.lastIndexOf('/');var bVer = useragent.substring(pos + 1);}document.writeln('<b>Browser Name: </b>' + bName + '<br>');document.writeln('<b>Browser Version: </b>' + bVer + '<br>');// �End --></script></center></BODY></HTML> this one is a nice script you have to catch pikachu pokemon but he is text and you smack him and other stuff <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><HTML><HEAD><LINK href="general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Original: �Paul ( --><!-- Web Site: � --><!-- Beginnow=new Date;x=now.getTime() %32768;function Random(min,max) {x=(1103515245*x+12345) % 32768;return Math.floor(x*(max-min+1)/32768+min);}var num = new Array;num[0] = -1;num[1] = 1;var ctrsmit = new Array;ctrsmit[0] = '<|x_x|>';ctrsmit[1] = '<|!_!|>';var i = 0, will2live = 0;function livewill(j) {i += j;if (i == 0) tLiphe();if (i < 6) stat(mood[3]);if (oldstats == mood[3] && i >= 6) stat(mood[0]);if (alive == true) {barzies(i);� }}var bars='';function barzies(num) {bars='';for (var i=0;i!=num;i++) bars += '�';document.ctrform.will.value = bars;}var mood = new Array;mood[0] = 'Happy';mood[1] = 'Mad';mood[2] = 'Ticked-Off';mood[3] = 'Suicidal';mood[4] = 'Elated';var Stat = new Array;Stat[0] = 'Alive';Stat[1] = 'Pokeball cleaned';Stat[2] = 'Pokeball not messy';Stat[3] = 'In pain';Stat[4] = 'Dead';Stat[5] = 'Infected!';Stat[6] = 'Disinfected!';Stat[7] = 'Not infected';Stat[8] = 'Drooling';var alive = false, aniID, statID, moodID, liveID, crapID, sickID, illID, normguy = '<( )>';function gLiphe() {normguy = '<( )>';stat('Catching...');livewill(15);statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[0])",3500);setTimeout("alive = true",3500);Animate(false,'(-o-)');aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",2500);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_o)>')",3500);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",4300);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_O)')",4500);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(o_o)>')",5300);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_o)>')",5500);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",6500);livewill(15);setTimeout("independence()",6501)}function ID(dep) {clearTimeout(aniID);clearTimeout(statID);clearTimeout(liveID);clearTimeout(crapID);if (dep == true) clearTimeout(independ);}var f, t = ' � � � � �';function Animate(auto,ctrex) {if (auto == false) f = ctrex;if (auto == true) t = spacey.substring(0,Pos());document.ctrform.ctr.value = t + ctrex + poopie();}var indID, independ;function 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{healthy = health;pasto = pasti;if (sick == true) {eaty = '<(�o�)>';eaty2 = '<(�o)>';eati = '<(�-�)>';}else {eaty = '<(�o�)>';eaty2 = '<(�o)>';eati = '<(�-�)>';}Animate(false,eati +' �'+ pasto);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty +' �'+ pasto)",150);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty +' '+ pasto)",300);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty + pasto)",450);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,eaty2+ pasto)",600);setTimeout("phood(healthy)",650);}function pheed(antipasto) {if (antipasto == 0) eat(true,'>o<');else if (antipasto == 1) eat(true,'�');else if (antipasto == 2) eatpoop();}function takeone() {ID(true);Animate(false,'<(�=�)>');aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(>_<)>')",500);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(�=�)>')",1300);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'<(>_<)>')",2600);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",4800);setTimeout("infekt()",4799);setTimeout("poop = true",4799);full = 0;}function cleancage() {if (poop == false) stat(Stat[2]);if (poop == true) {poop = false;Animate(false,normguy);stat(Stat[1]);clearTimeout(sickID);ickcount = 0;� }}function tLiphe() {normguy = '<(�_�)>';poop = false;clearTimeout(sickID);clearTimeout(illID);clearTimeout(indID);ID(true);sick = false;full = 0;l = 1;i = 0;aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",1);statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[4])",1);barzies(0);bruised = 0;poked = false;alive = false;}var oldstats, ick = '';function stat(stats) {ick = '';oldstats = stats;if (sick == true) ick = '[sick] ';document.ctrform.ctrstatus.value = ick + oldstats;}var j;function smite() {if (sick == false) normguy = '<(<�>_<�>)>';ID(true);statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[3])",10);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,ctrsmit[Random(0,1)])",10);liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[0])",20);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",1300);statID = setTimeout("stat(mood[1])",1300);}var full = 0;function phood(salubrious) {if (sick == false) normguy = '<( )>';ID(true);full++;if (salubrious == true) livewill(num[1]);aniID = 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scratchyscratchy() {normguy = '<( )>';ID(true);statID = setTimeout("stat(Stat[8] +'(scratch scratch)')",710);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'� p')",200);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'� P�')",800);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'� p �')",1400);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'� P��')",2000);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'� p ��')",2600);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'� P���')",3400);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'� p ���')",4200);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'� P ����')",5000);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,': P�')",5600);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",6600);statID = setTimeout("stat(mood[0])",6600);liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[1])",6600);}var bruised = 0, poked = false;function poke() {if (bruised >= 7) {normguy='o_-';aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,'(O_-)')",1);liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[0])",1);if (poked == false) statID = setTimeout("stat('You poked his eye out!!')",10);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",300);poked = true;}if (bruised < 7) {bruised++;normguy = '<( )>'aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,' <(^o^)>')",1);liveID = setTimeout("livewill(num[1])",1);statID = setTimeout("stat('PikaPi...')",10);aniID = setTimeout("Animate(false,normguy)",300);� }}// �End --></script></HEAD><BODY Background=../graphics/grayback.jpg ><center><form name="ctrform"><table BORDER="4" CELLSPACING="5" CELLPADDING="5" bgcolor="red"><tr><td><font color="blue"><br><table><tr><th>Life</th><th>Status</th></tr><tr><td><div align="center"><center><p><input type="text" size="20" name="will"></td><td align="center"><input type="text" size="25" name="ctrstatus"></td></tr><tr align="center"><th>Pikachu</th><th>Options</th></tr><tr align="center"><td><input type="text" name="ctr" size="30" onFocus="if (alive == true) tLiphe()"></td><td><div align="center"><center><p><input type="button" value="Catch a Pikachu"onClick="if (alive == false) gLiphe()"></td></tr></table><div align="center"><center><table><tr><td><input type="button" value="Smack" onClick="if (alive == true) smite()"></td></tr><tr><td><input type="button" value="Clean Pok�ball" onClick="if (alive == true) cleancage()"></td></tr><tr><td><input type="button" value="Give Medicine" onClick="if (alive == true) dnfekt()"></td></tr><tr><td><input type="button" value="Give Food"onClick="if (alive == true) pheed(document.ctrform.phood.selectedIndex)"><select name="phood" size="1"><option>Rare Candy</option><option>Apple</option></select></td></tr><tr><td><input type="button" value="Scratch" onClick="if (alive == true) scratchyscratchy()"></td></tr><tr><td><input type="button" value="Poke Pikachu" onClick="if (alive == true) poke()"><br></td></tr></table></center></div></td></tr></table></form></center></BODY></HTML> What is 50 % of 100 Answer:50Or...100 is what percent of 50 Answer: 200this script u put the numbers and it answers it for you. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><HTML><HEAD><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="TextPad 4.4"><LINK href="general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Original: �Tom Richardson Jr. ( --><!-- Beginfunction calc1(form) {a = form.a.value/100;b = a*form.b.value;form.total1.value = b;}function calc2(form) {a = form.c.value;b = form.d.value;c = a/b;d = c*100;form.total2.value = d;}// �End --></script></HEAD><BODY Background=../graphics/grayback.jpg><center><BR><BR><BR><form name="form1"><table border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1><tr><td align=center>What is<input type="text" name="a" size=5>% of <input type="text" name="b" size=5>?</td><td align=center>Answer: <input type="text" name="total1"size=5 maxlength=40></td><td align=center><input type="button" value="Calculate"onClick="calc1(this.form)"></td></tr><tr><td align=center colspan=3 align=center>Or...</td></tr><tr><td align=center><input type="text" name="c" size=5>is whatpercent of <input type="text" name="d" size=5>?</td><td align=center>Answer: <input type="text" name="total2"size=5> %</td><td align=center><input type="button" value="Calculate"onClick="calc2(this.form)"></td></tr></table></form></center></BODY></HTML>[/code]ill put this last code good one it calculates the wind chill you put the MPH and the tempature and click calculate.[code=auto:0]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"><HTML><HEAD><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="TextPad 4.4"><LINK href="general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!-- Original: �James P. Dildine ( --><!-- Web Site: � --><!-- Beginfunction windChill(form) {wind=eval(form.wind.value);temp=eval(form.temp.value);chill=(0.0817*(3.71*(Math.pow(wind, 0.5))+5.81-0.25*wind)*(temp-91.4)+91.4);form.windchill.value = chill;}// �End --></script></HEAD><BODY Background=../graphics/grayback.jpg><center><BR><BR><BR><form action="" method=post name=windform><table border=1 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 width="250"><tr><td align=center>Wind Speed (MPH) =</td><td align=center><input type=text name=wind value="" size=6></td></tr><tr><td align=center>Air Temperature (�F) =</td><td align=center><input type=text name=temp value="" size=6></td></tr><tr><td colspan=2 align=center><br><input type=button value="Calculate Wind Chill" onclick="windChill(this.form)"><p><input name=windchill type=text value="" size=10> � F</td><tr></table></center></BODY></HTML> Notice from BuffaloHELP: Enterend CODEBOX. Please watch the unnecessary blank spaces. A single line skip will just suffice. Edited December 16, 2016 by OpaQue (see edit history) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BuffaloHelp 24 Report post Posted August 25, 2005 You know if you are going to give us the code, won't you provide us with the whole thing? I mean where is BALL.GIF and GRAYBACK.JPG?And for the long codes like that, please use CODEBOX instead of CODE.Thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Microsoft 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2005 (edited) // post snipped due to dead links // Edited December 16, 2016 by OpaQue (see edit history) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Microsoft 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2005 You know if you are going to give us the code, won't you provide us with the whole thing? I mean where is BALL.GIF and GRAYBACK.JPG? And for the long codes like that, please use CODEBOX instead of CODE. Thank you. 178237[/snapback] i notice that the ball.gif and gray.jpg ill try to put it tommoroy if i can, and how do you do those CODEBOX? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BuffaloHelp 24 Report post Posted August 25, 2005 how do you do those CODEBOX? 178240[/snapback] Instead of CODE use CODEBOX. When you are composing a post, to the left, below all those smilies, you'll see the BB Code Help link. Study them! Learn them! Use them! And please read the YELLOW NOTE TAGS!!! Thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
machinamedia 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2005 Here's a website where you can find some interesting javascripts for your website:! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guangdian 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2005 oh my god but thank you sir .a website of serious won't add so lots of java scripts or other scripts except html and php asp..:Plike index page of the Xisto or Xisto forum do you find some unuseful scripts? no,i am not finding of if we just thinking for the guest of our sites,we will know that script will using so much computer memory of the client of Browser .so we should thinking for our guests.tihnking for a confiremd purpose site but not the one full of confused things..sorry guangdian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
patelg 0 Report post Posted August 26, 2005 Good to know all this interesting javascript code, it will be very usefull.Keep it up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites