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Mantain Hosting Credits. not sure...

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When I first joined Xisto i've read that if you want the #1 hosting plan (you need 10 hosting credits) after applying and getting your site hosted you don't have to remain active in the forums. However when I login it tells me HOSTING CREDITS : X DAYS.

Can someone please explain me how's the deal...



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Once you have hosting you must remain active. Each day you lose one credit and your account gets suspended or removed when you drop too low. You can remain inactive for the number of days you have left, or your hosting could go. Just check regularly and keep your credits above 10.

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It certainly makes common sense to keep the hosting credits above a certain level. How about if a member has Package #2 (like I do)? Would I have to keep the number of credits above 30 to keep the hosting alive or is it 10 - just like Package #1? Just asking.

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As the credits become days you technically only need to keep it above 0 to have some hosting left, regardless of what hosting package you have. 10 is just advised incase your computer breaks or there is another problem stopping you from keeping the credits up.

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i thing is a good system because i admit it i've never be so active on a forum before, and anyway keeping posting it's just a little retribution of the SUPER hosting that Xisto offers because i haven't seen yet a FREE web hosting that gives you all this things Xisto does for nothing (you know free like geocities that you don't need to post) even some paid hosting services doesn't have all this stuff that Xisto does o.o but my problem is that i don't have a superior of 10 hosting credits so i have to be hosting almost diary xDU hehe

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