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Ct Scan Of The Mumy Of Egyptian King Tutankhamun Using Technology

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On January 5, 2005, the mummy of Tutankhamun (c. 1355-1346 B.C.) was removed from its tomb in the Valley of the Kings for the first time in almost eighty years. That to perform CT Scan on it.

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Previous Examination

1. In 1926, the mummy of the young king had been essential dismantled by the team of Carter [the discoverer], who were interested primarily in recovering the almost 150 jewels, amulets, and other items wrapped with the body and gaining the maximum possible scientific information from the body itself. To order to remove the objects from the body and the body from the coffin, to which it was stuck fast by the hardened embalming liquids (most likely resins) used to anoint the mummy, Carter?s team cut the body into a number of large and small pieces (for example, the trunk was cut in half, the arms and legs were detached). The head, cemented by the solidified resins to the golden mask, was severed, and removed from the mask with hot knives.

2. In 1968, the mummy has been X-rayed by a team from the University of Liverpool under R.G. Harrison, and

3. In 1978, the mummy has been X-rayed by by J.E. Harris of the University of Michigan.


The Benefits of CT Scanning

CT scanning is a non-invasive tool that can scan the whole body in a very short time, and can differentiate between various types of soft tissue and bone in three-dimensional images. Conventional X-rays can see two planes only and cannot clearly distinguish the soft tissues. The scope and ability of CT scanning to diagnose and differentiate between diseases is also far superior. The body also does not need to be moved repeatedly, as is the case for X-rays.


Results of the CT Scan

The analyze of CT scan images of Tutankhamun confirmed that:

- King Tutankhamun died at about the age of 19.

- He suffered no major childhood malnutrition or infectious diseases.

- King Tut was not murdered as previously thought. No evidence found for a blow to the back of the head, and no other indication of foul play.

Plus many other interpretations. See by yourself the details at

Press Release of Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA)

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Well if he wasn't murdered and had no killing diseases why did he die? I am pretty sure the life expectancy back then wasn't 19. Here is my theory, as a adolesence teen, he rebelled against the aliens. Because we all know that the aliens built the pyramids >.> As a result of his rebellious nature the aliens with advanced technology ended his life prematurely. Don't ask what I am smoking, because its w33d. I don't do coke.

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LOL Yipster... *checks you into rehab and tells the docs not to let you out till the alien theory is gone*

Yeah I watched all the documentaries about Tutankhamun, including the new ones about the 3rd new scan this year. But although there was no evidence of disease etc etc, it is still clear that he was very likely murdered.

Tutanknamun was the only son of Pharaoh Ahkenaten, the heretic king, who was the only Egyptian king ever to turn his back against the Egyptian religious order of Maat and the gods and turn towards monotheistic worship. when Ahkenaten died, the people returned to Maat and Tutankhamun was forced to follow what the religious priests said.

The documentaries said also that it seemed very clear that Tutankhamun was buried in a hurry, one reason why they believe everybody forgot about him and tomb robbers never found his funerary treasures. If you look at the pictures of Tutanknamun's tomb the way they found it, you'll see that all of the funerary treasures were stacked really haphazardly, like they'd been put in, in a hurry:


Just imagine... the treasures were really PRICELESS... why would you just throw them in quickly? People would normally take their time... but they didn't with Tutankhamun's burial. What's more, it's believed that the hole on the back of his head was caused by abrupt handling of his body by the mummy wrapers during the 90 days required to prepare his mummy before the funeral...

Anyway, personally, I think that all this to do with Tutankhamun is a waste of time after a certain extent. Just because Tut's treasures were discovered intact doesn't mean that he was particularly important. There are many other pharaohs who lived fuller lives and accomplished many many things, as opposed to a 19-year-old who lived a pampered life and went hunting sometimes... i mean, come on!
What about Ramses II, Ramses III, Seti I, Khufu, Khafra... even Akhenaten was more interesting! :)

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Here is my theory, as a adolesence teen, he rebelled against the aliens. Because we all know that the aliens built the pyramids >.> As a result of his rebellious nature the aliens with advanced technology ended his life prematurely.


Please don't abuse using "Theory". There are condition for Hypothesis to become Theory if you can prove it. You can use my opnion or my sugestion instead.


Also it is not true to say: "because we all know". Who we?. And "all" must include me and this is wrong because I don't know what u said.


Then from where come this "aliens" fantasy. Where in the Egyptian temples' walls , oblenisks or papyrus was written about that. You are confused with Holywood films. That the dangerous of producing films using names or events in history.


Also there are people can not accept that Egypt was one day the nativey of civilisation.


Many counries were one day the prime counrty in the world. Egypt , Greek, Iran (Persia), Italy (Rome Empire), Turkey (Osman empire), France (Napeleon) Great Britain etc etc


Don't ask what I am smoking, because its w33d. I don't do coke.


Sorry I din't notice this until after I discussed the above.

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Yeah I watched all the documentaries about Tutankhamun, including the new ones about the 3rd new scan this year. But although there was no evidence of disease etc etc, it is still clear that he was very likely murdered....

Anyway, personally, I think that all this to do with Tutankhamun is a waste of time after a certain extent. Just because Tut's treasures were discovered intact doesn't mean that he was particularly important. There are many other pharaohs who lived fuller lives and accomplished many many things, as opposed to a 19-year-old who lived a pampered life and went hunting sometimes... i mean, come on!

What about Ramses II, Ramses III, Seti I, Khufu, Khafra... even Akhenaten was more interesting!  :)


The new scan don't show the said hole so they denied that he was murdered the way they said previously and you said now.


According to six of the eight team members, Tutankhamun may have died after a badly broken leg.

"Although the break itself would not have been life-threatening, infection might have set in," the team's five page report said.

About 130 walking sticks found among King Tut's fabulous treasure would support the theory he may have needed a cane to support himself or to help with walking.


You will find next a script of intervie by Ms Tarr Brown on behalf of 60 minutes program in Australian TV channel 9 with Dr Hawass who let the team of the CT invstegation

TARA BROWN: So, why then, did this young, healthy king die? For years, the theory has been one of political intrigue, that this boy, who controversially became Pharaoh at nine, was murdered by a blow to the head. The CT scan proved the theory wrong.

DR ZAHI HAWASS: There is no evidence of a blow to the back of the head. There is no indication of foul play. He did not fall down, as people say.

TARA BROWN: If not murder and disease, what and why so suddenly? Again, the CT scan pinpoints the most likely cause of death an accident. King Tutankhamun's left leg was broken, allowing an infection to take hold and kill him.

DR ZAHI HAWASS: The new evidence that we have from the CT scan machine proving, actually, that King Tut had this accident one day before he died.

TARA BROWN: One day?

DR ZAHI HAWASS: One day before he died. And we can see the fracture that the mummification material is inside means that he had an infection and he died because of that.

TARA BROWN: It seems speed has always been a killer possibility wiping out a P-plating Pharaoh. And this golden chariot buried with him could have been his hoon mobile.

DR ZAHI HAWASS: This could be the chariot that actually King Tut fell down from it and had an accident, and the next day he died.

TARA BROWN: Could he have just been out joy-riding?

DR ZAHI HAWASS: He could have been joy-riding or hunting.

TARA BROWN: Could you imagine if the young king killed himself because he was just a young man going too fast?

DR ZAHI HAWASS: It could happen to anyone.

TARA BROWN: It happens to young men today, doesn't it?

That suggested that it was accident [probably from speedy chariot] as our teen do with their car now.

Anyway, personally, I think that all this to do with Tutankhamun is a waste of time after a certain extent. Just because Tut's treasures were discovered intact doesn't mean that he was particularly important. There are many other pharaohs who lived fuller lives and accomplished many many things, as opposed to a 19-year-old who lived a pampered life and went hunting sometimes... i mean, come on!

What about Ramses II, Ramses III, Seti I, Khufu, Khafra... even Akhenaten was more interesting!  :D


I didn't claim the importance for King Tut or give rate for them. My post was in Technology Forum about the using CT scan. But as I studied in History He change his name from Tutankhamun instead of Tutankhatun. Amun and atun (the sun) are names of Gods. That mean he lead important change in relegion.

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hmm... this is nice info...we didnt really delve much into teh history of other places, so this is quite a unique addition to my brain's memory~ ^^19 eh..? hgmmm~

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I want to know Who was the Pharoah or King of ancient Egypt when prophet Moses released his men from the slavery of Pharaoh.When Moses was busy in taking back his thousands of men from the slavery of Pharaoh, they found red sea in fornt them.Pharaoh's soldiers was following the people of Moses. Suddenly Moses found that a great road appeared on the middle of red sea. Moses told his men to follow him through the road. When Moses went other side of ocean along with his men, king Pharaoh along with his soldiers when reached on the middle of the road on the sea they all sunk in the sea. This incidence has been mentioned in the Holy Quran.Allah(SWT) guaranteed that HE will preserve the body of King Pharaoh. My question is who was that pharaoh or what was his name? Is he was King Rameses II or King Tutankhamun? I shall be pleased if you kindly reply my question via email - Ahmad Mansur -reply by Ahmad Mansur

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