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President Bush Endorse Teaching Intelligent Design Teaching intelligent design in schools

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President Bush last week appeared to endorse the push by many conservatives to give intelligent design equal treatment with the theory of evolution in public schools.


During a press conference with a group of Texas reporters last week, President George W. Bush responded to a question about teaching "intelligent design" in the public schools. The reporter referred to "what seems to be a growing debate over evolution versus intelligent design" and asked, "What are your personal views on that, and do you think both should be taught in public schools?" In response, Bush referred to his days as governor of Texas, when "I said that, first of all, that decision should be made to local school districts, but I felt like both sides ought to be properly taught ... so people can understand what the debate is about." [Click here to visit the Washington Post for the complete Transcript of Roundtable Interview]

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well, personally I don't support the "Intelligent Design" [iD] theory but I fully accept the point "both sides ought to be taught properly" - at least if it's really meant this way. Let's wait and see whether Bush speaks in favor of education in marxism or the islam as well during the next few weeks...

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yeah i don't think you will here bush give 100% support in teaching islam, marxism maybe islam no.

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well, personally I don't support the "Intelligent Design" [iD] theory but I fully accept the point "both sides ought to be taught properly" - at least if it's really meant this way. Let's wait and see whether Bush speaks in favor of education in marxism or the islam as well during the next few weeks...


We speak about public school, and as I know no teaching of Christianity in public school so will be for Islam.


Also I think marxism is taught to students who has subject philosophy.


By the way, my opinion that Evolution , creation or Intelligent Design have to not tought in science subject because they all not science. Biology, Genetic, Geology can be tought without all of them. Science in school is what we see, feel in our life. speed, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, anatomy, health, etc. We study the law they behave but not why?. The past is for the history I am scientist and I am preparing to this debate but I am not ready completely.

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We speak about public school, and as I know no teaching of  Christianity in public school so will be for Islam.


Also I think marxism  is taught to students who has subject philosophy.


By the way, my opinion that Evolution , creation or Intelligent Design have to not tought in science subject because they all not science. Biology, Genetic, Geology can be tought without all of them. Science in school is what we see, feel in our life. speed, heat, light, magnetism, electricity, anatomy, health, etc. We study the law they behave but not why?. The past is for the history  I am scientist and I am preparing to this debate but I am not ready completely.


I haven't been happy with all Bush's decisions (particularly certain wars) but some of them like this one certainly seem like good ones to me. I guess maybe since this is his 2nd term now he feels more free to make drastic changes. *shrugs*


I just hope he doesn't charge into any more wars -_-

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I absolutely hate Intelligent Design. For one, it goes against centuries of evolutionary research. Darwin sure as hell didn't contribute to teaching children that science only happens because someone made it happen. Second, it has so many loopholes. If ID claims that nature is so intricate that it had to be made by some cosmic (or divine) person, it opens for the question "So where did the designer come from?". Biology teachers are forced to stop using the Scientific Method because it doesn't apply to ID as well as losing their jobs for such retarded reasons. My grass is dead, and my dog has retarded capabilities. Are they made from the same mold as, let's say [celebrity grass :/] and Lassie? You just can't say things like that because everything is different for a reason. Creationist and ID theories take away the uniqueness from a person, saying they were all made the same way and can do the same things because of it. This is not at all true. Everyone is different. Everyone has a varied purpose in life. I love being taught evolution because it gives a reason for things to exist, to have those different professions that make them unique. Like the birds on the Galapagos - each adapted to crack a different nut, eat a different fruit. If an intelligent designer had made them, you would have random species of closely linked birds doing the same things, but it doesn't explain anything. Evolution is change, and change happens. It's what's right. I may be a radical on my part, but I've tried both ways and only one works for me.

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I think all forms of religion and beliefs should be taught but as "extra" classes, that way students who truly wish to learn about them can then sign up for the classes. The politicians and people alike seem to forget that their are atheists as well who don't want to know or care to know about any of that stuff.I am not an atheist by any means but I have always taken a stand on being or doing your best on being aware of all people not just specifics, with these classes put out as choices for people to sign up at their own free will, it gives those who have the interest the ability to do so and those who don't care to sign up for something they find interesting.In this ever changing society your going to have people that are always offended no matter what you do. If you make the classes optional, you will have people *BLEEP* and moan that we are not making these classes mandatory for the childerent to learn and vice versa if you make it mandatory in the curriculem.By the time a student hits high school they have the ability to make the choices for themselves and they know what has their interests peeked, hence is why they have the ability to make choices about what classes to go to the next year. I think we should make it an option for the religion standpoints as well.

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I think there is too much controversy and not enough facts when it comes to "scientific" answers to questions such as "where did we come from" and "how did this all begin." It's my opinion that schools shouldn't teach ANYTHING concerning how life or the universe originated. It's not truely proven well enough to be considered scientific fact, and it's opposed too much to be just accepted as a theory, and since religion must be kept from schools, it seems to me that the only way to make peace on this subject is to avoid it altogether.

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Here is my view on it. I am a Christian. I believe in Intelligent Design. But here is the problem I see with this. It is nothing more than a clever way to keep out trouble. We all know what the basis is. They mean God. And they made it so the teachers are teaching it without actually mentioning His name.For me, if they cannot mention God's name, than why teach Intelligent Design at all? It was a way to sneak God into schools. Nothing wrong with that. I think that kids, if they choose, should be able to pray in school and if they wish, attend Bible classes. Not force it down their throat, make it ellective. What we are doing here is seperating god, from the designer of the universe. Instead of bringing Him back with the teaching of Intelligent Design, we are actually pushing Him farther away than ever.Bush's intentions were great, but it is not going to work the same way in my opinion. What next, kids are allowed to pray to an Intelligent designer but not God!? That is what I see it coming to.

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I disagree with teaching intelligent design in school: it is not science.

It very clearly has a religious base, and thus its teaching is disallowed. (can't remember the case name atm)

But even if it wasn't considered a "religious" entity, teaching it would open up a very big can of worms, after all if something that isn't science (and has no particular value that sets it apart from other non-scientific theories) then the schools should have to split their time among other deviant theories, such as the one held by The Church of the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster

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For me the whole debate about Intelligent design is rather confused. First of all Intelligent Design is not a Science. However hard it tries to be. So, if it is to be taught in school it should NOT be taught in Science class. You might ask why. Very simple. Every science is based around a number of methods. One is the independent valuation of a third party. If you do an experiment. Anybody in the whole world should be able to replicate this experiment, if they follow step by step what you have done. If they cannot do it, then it is not proven in a scientific sense.Now with Intelligen Design, they have lots of assumptions, but a third party cannot reconstruct their tests. Because there are no tests. Therefore it is not a science subject.However, I do think it should be taught in school. Together with native american creation myths and indonesian and latin american, just all creation myths that are out there, and there are plenty.And then the difference would also become more obvious. Afterall: Science does not want to answer the question "Why?" and Religion(s) cannot answer the question "How?"

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Well, if you teach intelligent design, you have to teach EVERY intelligent design theory. Meaning hindu, buddist, muslim, chirstian, pagan, etc. etc. Even the 66 cult will probally get in on the action of equal treatment. in my personal opinion, I'd REALLY liek to see intelligent design stay the hell away from our kids. Remember that huge debate over the ten commandments on courthouses? so why the hell are people allowing religion to be taught in schools? it's complete and utter horsesh1t!How many future biologists will be coming out of Kansas in the next 5-12 years? Doctors? Archaeologists? NONE! Because no employer will want to hear "oh, yea, that happens because god wanted it to do that" and no hospital will want to hear "if god wants him to live, then they'll live. i won't operate" and no dig team wants to hear "god put that fossil there. it never lived, god just carved it and put it there because he could."The whole idea of teaching intelligent design in schools makes me sick! Private christian schools? sure, let them so whatever they want to screw up their kids. But leave mine alone!

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Well, if you teach intelligent design, you have to teach EVERY intelligent design theory.  Meaning hindu, buddist, muslim, chirstian, pagan, etc. etc.  Even the 66 cult will probally get in on the action of equal treatment.  in my personal opinion, I'd REALLY liek to see intelligent design stay the hell away from our kids.  Remember that huge debate over the ten commandments on courthouses?  so why the hell are people allowing religion to be taught in schools?  it's complete and utter horsesh1t!

How many future biologists will be coming out of Kansas in the next 5-12 years?  Doctors?  Archaeologists?  NONE!  Because no employer will want to hear "oh, yea, that happens because god wanted it to do that" and no hospital will want to hear "if god wants him to live, then they'll live.  i won't operate" and no dig team wants to hear "god put that fossil there.  it never lived, god just carved it and put it there because he could."

The whole idea of teaching intelligent design in schools makes me sick!  Private christian schools?  sure, let them so whatever they want to screw up their kids.  But leave mine alone!


AS much as I can understand your sentiment, I would actually welcome ID to be taught in school. But as you rightly say NOT in Science class, but in a class that also explains other " Meaning hindu, buddist, muslim, chirstian, pagan, etc. etc." faiths.


Afterall, knowing other people attitude and background can make for better friendships. And if you know what one person believes, you are less likely to follow the lunies, that want use your half knowledge as a base to race baiting. So I am all for teaching religion in school, but ALL religions, next to philosophy, sociology, psychology... Everybody should learn what Adam Smith really said, or Marx for that matter, any way that is SO never going to happen that it saddens me.

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