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Gift For Sm And Johnny [from Biskie!] Just thought you guys needed more 3 :P

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I got powersurged the last time I tried to post this, so here they are again.


For the fabulous Saint_Michael:

Posted Image


And for magical Johnny:

Posted Image


*note - I suck at blending renders and brushing, but I hope these ended up not too bad. Enjoy guys! And now I can clear you off my list :D

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Why am I represented by a two-headed ogre/troll? X.xNah...nothing wrong with them. Nice job Biskie. ^-^I'll add it to my gallery later. Thankies.

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Why am I represented by a two-headed ogre/troll? X.x


It's better than being flowerchild....


Anyway, biscuit, those good. I think simplicity is your theme, so you should stick to it.


Edit: Fixed typo

Edited by snlildude87 (see edit history)

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Whoops, I had a caption for that one too! It must not have saved during the power surge. I'll put an edited version up in a bit. @Nguyen: Brushing eludes me. I can do textured backgrounds, but not brushing yet :/

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It's better than being flowerchild....


Sounds like a pixie. -_-


Powersurge noes! :o (That smiley has the greatest expression...he's just all... :P )


I wonder what my caption is...beautiful on the inside? -_-

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Something similar! Let me go fix it up for ya -_-

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I believe it's Stereofidelic - one of the beauties I downloaded from 1001fonts.com

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are you calling me an old man biscuts im hurt, but nice gift sigs mucho deniro bis.

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;) I'm not calling you old - although you guys are all practically older than me - moving on. I just love the character of the professor because he's so goofy and he shells out so many things - like you and your renders (which I've borrowed many a time!)

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i new it you ripping me j/k, so your calling me crazy then huh.***starts speaking gibberish***crazy like a fox.

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