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It seems like you were trying a unique way of photo manip. I can really respect that, as in, I hate the original photo manips most people do, where they blur, color, text and that's it. Add a border and use that for a sig :D

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hmmm i would say using a contrasting background to make the image stand out just a bit, other then that your working those filters to the max :D

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@Frozen - Thanks! I'm not going to put a border on it because I didn't mean for it to be a sig, it was really just a test of some filters and brushes and such.I took everyones advice and tried to highlight the render so it would stand out against the darker backround.@Johnny - Me either, I was just playing with filters and settings and that was what I got...@Micheal - I think your right, if I used a colors for the background other than blue and blak it would have had more contrast, but I was testing, and I thought blue and black look good together. And thanks, I have Moonwitch to thank for the filters, she told me how to use many of them.

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Don't use filters. It's hard to memorize which filter to use after another if you want to get an effect. It also takes a long time, too, if you're a photoshop newbie. I'd just get some brushes. Much easier, and chances are, you'll create a unique background everytime.

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