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Gift For Kubi [from Nguyen] render sucks

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The render sucks on this one. I hate the white stuff yet I don't want to blend it in. I sort of want it to pop out from the bottom.


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If you're not kubi, try to make me cry with words.

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hey snlil use photobucket or something else cuz it takes forever to see the image but anyways.font could be better, not feeling it, i would have belend in the render around the shoulders on down and then added some dark color in the corner where your trying to hid your namebut your getting better though. 8/10

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Well snlildude, I'd love to say thanks but, to bad I can't see the image lol :D. It's not even loading.But uh, thanks for making it, even though I can't see it lol. Try giving me a link.

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If the image is not loading, then that means that my games on my site aren't loading as well. :D


You could always host your stuff on your site, like me and Mike. :D

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You could always host your stuff on your site, like me and Mike.  :D


Yeah, and use more bandwidth? Last month, I used 19 GB. That's 10 GB more than what you used. The difference is twice the bandwidth offered in package 2.

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Yeah, and use more bandwidth? Last month, I used 19 GB. That's 10 GB more than what you used. The difference is twice the bandwidth offered in package 2.


Hm...I'm actually kinda interested in "how deep the rabbit hole goes."


But anyway, I'm nudging you back on topic now. :D

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actually i started puttng my stuff on photobucket, cuz of that issue, to save bw and space.

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actually i started puttng my stuff on photobucket, cuz of that issue, to save bw and space.


Actually, dude, Photobucket gives you 1.5 GB of bandwidth per month, so unless you want to be shafted 15 days into the month, use imageshack or just host it on your account.

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