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Bisuitrat Gift Sig V2 can i have chicken with my biscuts XP

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Good background, but terrible blending. And it looks like it's monotone.


It's not so bad. But I think you spelled it oddly again. I can't see the "cui" part of it in Biscuitrat so clearly. True, it's a little blurry, but I love the colors and the border's nice. I'm content with brushing - you don't have to stick a render in for me. Thank ya!

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yeah i notice i spelled your name wrong will fix that up for.alrighty then i got rid of the render altogether as you can see.

Notice from Johnny:
Merged double posts.

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Very nifty and lovely color choice. Thank you :D

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all i did was take the render and fixed your name the color is still the same. :D

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