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Katamari Damacy possible spoilers

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Anyone ever played this game? It's one of the most original ideas I've ever seen, and it was implemented beautifully.Katamari Damacy is a PS2 game in which you control the Prince of All Cosmos. The story is basically that your dad, the King of All Cosmos, got high and accidentally broke every star in the sky. Since your parents aren't all that great, they blame you and make you rebuild all the stars. To do this, you get a katamari (basically a little sticky ball) and you roll around various areas picking up literally anything that's smaller than you until the time runs out. As the game progresses, your goals sizes get bigger and the time to reach them gets shorter.Now when I say you can pick up anything, that's pretty much anything. You start really small and can only pick up things like thumbtacks or pieces of candy, but as you get bigger you can pick up many more things, such as people, trees, buildings, giant mock superheroes, clouds, islands, tornadoes and even rainbows!If you do well enough in certain levels, you unlock an eternal mode which lets you roll around and pick up things until you run out of things to pick up (and I have run out).I guess it might not seem like the greatest idea written down, but the enormous number of things that you can pick up and the depth that was put into the levels truly makes this game a masterpiece.I recommend that everyone play this game at least once. If you don't happen to have a PS2, they are also porting this game to the Nintendo DS, and if Nintendo's getting it, other consoles probably will aswell.Overall, Katamari Damacy is simply magnificent, so if you have a PS2 you should definitely pick it up (especially because it's dirt cheap! Most stores sell it for around $20 US).

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Katamari Damacy, the crazy rolling game. I've always wanted to play that game, but I don't own a Play Station2, I know friends who own it, but they are to "angst tough teenagers" to even give it a chance. (I liked billy hatcher to >>) But it looks really fun, a new inventive game. *sigh*

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