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Gift For Brooks [from Nguyen] using fractal brushes :(

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Took me like 5 minutes to find my name, I swear.




Anyway, not bad, I suppose. There's quite a bit of repeated brush action though.


But thanks for the thought. :D

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[1] Took me like 5 minutes to find my name, I swear.




[3] Anyway, not bad, I suppose. There's quite a bit of repeated brush action though.


[4] But thanks for the thought. :(


[1]Hey! That's the amount of time it took me to make it! That means that this sig was made for you. :D Your welcome.


[2] Why would I put your middle name on the sig? Silly Brooks, Trix are not for Nguyen (it has a crappy taste).


[3] Yeah, but I was trying to make it look like a sea of jellyfish. I'll try your program to see what I can come up with.


[4] Yeah sure.

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[1]Hey! That's the amount of time it took me to make it! That means that this sig was made for you. :D Your welcome.


[2] Why would I put your middle name on the sig? Silly Brooks, Trix are not for Nguyen (it has a crappy taste).


[3] Yeah, but I was trying to make it look like a sea of jellyfish. I'll try your program to see what I can come up with.


[4] Yeah sure.


[1] Errr....k?


[2] Because it's my REAL name.


[3] I hate jellyfish. :(


[4] Are you REALLY sure?

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hmm not bad, but thoughts and theories to make it more jelly like i would have used the same set up i did with my planets just more oval in shape and some blending and all that.9/10 cuz the text doesn't work.

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hmm not bad, but thoughts and theories to make it more jelly like i would have used the same set up i did with my planets just more oval in shape and some blending and all that.


9/10 cuz the text doesn't work.


Nine out of frickin' ten?! w00t! My best yet. :D

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Nine out of frickin' ten?! w00t! My best yet. :D


Nguyen, I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told KuBi, don't focus on ratings. They mean nothing, really. What you should be looking at is what people actually say about the sig. Ratings change all the time, but the comments are what you learn from.


I personally wouldn't give it a 9...

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