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Irc Internet Relay Chat

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I chat on IRC all the time. It is something that I have been doing for sometime now and I won't be stopping in a hurry either. There are Several IRC Chat Networks that I use. I am also an Administrator (Admin) on one of them. Which one? Don't ask, cause I won't spam the Network anywhere.

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IRC.. I used to hang out on one particular IRC server some time ago, for very long time. Now, people just became too rude, old people are leaving chat, new faces showing up, with some idiotic attitude that everyone else is there to amuse them. I actualy can remember when I got upset if someone said something bad to me, but then, slowly, I just got used to it.. Now, I don't visit IRC, I replaced it with forums, building my own site, and similar, more useful activities :D

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Yeah, I used to go there, very often... Then, as Kitty nicely put it, people became very rude... If I have to type /ignore every two minutes, than I don't want to go to chat at all...I'm actually planing to start IRC server of my own, with a good friend of mine, and that place is going to be different from other servers... No affiliations, we won't join any networks... Just, plain old, stand alone :DOfcourse, very strict rules, and everything... And when we get online, you will all be invited :(

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I go to IRC a lot, not just to chat, I download stuff from fserves there, I even host an fserve of my own. Since I edit scanned manga (I'm part of a scanlation team), I usually love to hang out there and download some manga... It's fun in IRC, it's not just about chatting. Sometimes, there're some gaming channels. It's pretty fun!

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kitty[b/b] ; u have problems on irc ? /ignore help :D


Forums are the best. On IRC soon you forger whats the topic.. In forums ->  Stays :D


You know, I tried using ignore, and silence, and many different ignore-commands, but it simply becomes too much of a pain in the.. pain in the you-know-what :(


Yeah, and kids who think they're hackers.. I mean, come on.. They have absolutely no idea what they're doing, or saying, and even I (and I am just a mediocre advanced user of computers) know they don't know squat..


A friend of mine pulled this thing of with some hacker wannabe. He gave him his IP address, making his life a lot easier, and waited for the guy to attempt something. He didn't manage to get through my friends firewall, and then, my friend saw the guys IP, and sent him some message.. This hacker disconnected immediately, and was nowhere to be seen for few days.. So, chat is really becoming a junk yard for bad people.. That's it, plain and simple :D

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They are most people who say they are hackers but the can't even resolve ipv6 (intenet protocol version6) who hide your IP from strange people. And if they recover ipv6. Most people dont know how ddos work. (Distributed Denial of Service). This problem works on TCP/IP protocol and can't be stopped. But most people don't know how to make it :D

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lol am on 2 servers at a time at least on irc. I like it more then MSN or any other IM, because it don't make my pc lagg. Allthough I rather use NNScript then mIRC itself. NNScript is way easier in use and has many funny add-ons. One guy showed me how to ddos a while ago and how to use mirc to "nuke" certain sites... whoa the bots he had, was like an army :D

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