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New Sigs

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Okay, instead of doing those tutorials, I've been being kinda lazy lately (playing a lot of dreamcast)...but somehow I still managed to make a bunch of new sigs...X.x


Some I'm not too proud of...been in somewhat of a block lately.



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So, rate/comment/criticize. And I'm sorry I've been lazy with the tutorials...I keep forgetting...I'm gonna try to get to them tomorrow. Remind me.

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:unsure: Dreamcast ey Johnny? Probably becoming more of a collectors item now right? :D1 - The brushing is alright, but it somehow doesn't work so great with the render - kind of like you *forced* it (the blending). Really don't like the text. It's way too transperant, and even if you wanted the see-through look, I think a different font would have been better. Techy perhaps to match with Megaman? Just something San Serif I guess...Oh and I don't think the dotted lines are that great either, I think a different line might work better - and it probably should be thinner (ie gaps between the parallel lines)2 - Not bad. It's not really outstanding like some of your other sigs - ie it doesn't have that unique quality. Nevertheless, the brushing is tight. Text is alright too, but the J is too similar to the background colour for my tastes. 3 - Sorry Johnny, don't really like this one at all. The font doesn't fit the background (and you also made it semi-transperant). I don't believe the render fits in quite well enough - it probably needs to be bigger to cover more area. The grunge brushing in itself isn't so bad, rather the choice of render, font, and placement of text/pic, which lets it down.4 - Bit monotone... the brushing lacks depth because of this, I guess. Since Vivi is looking to the sky, I think something more "inspirational", rather than attempted gothic look would be better. Personally, I believe some light brushing would have been nice :D5 - Don't like the brushing on this one - colours or the mix of abstract/grunge. The conflicting scan lines don't help it either. Sorry, don't like this one either :P6 - I like this grunge one a lot more. The colours aren't too dark or monotone. The render feels well placed, and blended. Just don't see any text :P - it just needs some to fill a bit of space - in my opinion.7 - The scanlines conflict too much with the abstract brushing. I would say lower the opacity on them, or remove altogether. Otherwise the brushing looks good, though I don't feel it goes with the Samus render that well, and she feels cut off on the left. Oh, and yeah the text needs fixing - it's small, unreadable, unattractive... yeah - do something about it :DDefinitely not your best bunch Johnny. I think most people get some sort of block sometime - next lot should be better :D

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I mainly agree with just about everything CFreaker said, but the main things that I want to point out/add/repeat are:1) Those lines kind of ruin the whole thing...and the text just plain...sucks =/2) The 'J' doesn't stand out enough3) Er..dunno...there's just something about the brushing that's bugging me4) Nothing to complain about. Looks good to me :unsure:5) A little bit more blending is needed around the render..and as CFreaker said, it looks like you tried to combine grunge with abstract, but it doesn't look all that great :P6) Nothing to complain here, either. :D7) It seems a little bit to "busy"..and what's with the text? :|Like Freaker said, these aren't your best sigs...but you'll get over the block sooner or later...oi...I need to start making some new sigs....this HL2 one is from November 2004 o_o

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