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Bad Relationship, Partner Trust & Cheating Cheating on your mates?

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IgnorantBad Relationship, Partner Trust & Cheating

Cheating is so entirely ignorant. The whole "cheating keeps you together" scenario is even more ignorant. Cheating does nothing but the kerosene that lights a relationship up into flames. Cheating is something that is addictive, something that if you get away with once you'll continue to do, BECAUSE you got away with it. If you're willing to cheat, you're clearly unhappy or unsatisfied with your current relationship. So heres an idea, end it? Why is that so difficult for people to do?

Yes, breaking up with someone can be hard and hurtful, but due to experience and what I would consider common sense, I would much rather the love of my life break up with me rather than cheat on me, me find out, feel hurt and confused, AND be broken up with. I can't even fathom the idea of someone thinking cheating is remotely okay. Cheating is selfish, low, disgusting. I would never do something like that. We are not dogs, we have self control, lets act like it. People like to act as if they're so strong and invincible, yet they can't control themselves from cheating? Grow a pair, guys. And yes, I say guys because 70% of cheaters in relationships are males. And for girls who cheat, I don't even know what to say to you. You have some serious issues, which could vary from mentally ****ed up to herpes? Take your pick. Anyhow, people who want to cheat are mentally sick people in my opinion. That being said, have fun playing 'Guess What Disease I have' in the dark with your cheating partners!

-reply by Aubrie


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whoever says cheating isnt bad...YOUR ****ING RETARDED...I promise you if you found out he/she cheated on you it would be a completely different story and I know you would hate her/ him for doing so...It scares people for life... This is coming from experience and a marriage/relationship psychology major. I know what I'm talking about.

-reply by jeremy smith

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CheatingBad Relationship, Partner Trust & Cheating

Yes cheating is one of the worst things that could happen to a person besides a disease ,which if it happens long enough that's next . I don't think cheating is good in any relationship weather you are boyfriend girlfriend or married .First of all it hurts you then it robs the Love and Trust for the next person and you already have a shield up protecting yourself and it makes it harder on you to trust someone else. Whenever you mess with someones feelings and emotions it could get dangerous and that's never a good thing, especially being married ,I mean marriage is sacred you vowed to God and man to be with this person faithfully forever and that's serious .That was the whole purpose of me getting married to be only with my wife and for her only to be with me faithfully forever .I believe if you don't want to be with someone tell them the truth and let them deal with it that way instead of hurting them by you getting caught, and think if the other person is even worth messing around with because half the time they're not and if they are then be with that person but let your friend, wife or husband know be honest, it is the best policy! This is from first hand expierience, I wish my wife would 've talked to me, we were separated for a few months and she asked me to come back called for counseling sesions and all .Found a house, gave her money, she moved in and I decided not to right away and a month later I go over late one night and some other man is there 1:30-2:00am in the morning .That's just WRONG.

-reply by seldom seen

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can u give me some advice plsBad Relationship, Partner Trust & CheatingReplying to iGuestI cheated on my boyfriend one time and it was a huge mistake! I had been with my bf for 3 years at the time and things just felt like they were falling apart...I felt driven away and randomly hooked up with a guy that I knew through some friends. I knew immediately afterward that it was wrong...My relationship with my bf was my first love and first "everything." I am a very honest person and could not keep this from him because I loved him very much and wanted to be honest about my mistake and how horrible I felt. I told him about a week later and cried to him begging not to leave me cause I knew I messed up and really trully knew that I loved him. Well as if things couldn't get worse I found out that I was pregnant like a week later...My bf stayed with me for the next few years but it was not the same at all...We were having financial troubles, he was stressed bout workin all the time and me at home with the new baby. He finally told me in October 2009 that he didn't love me anymore and that he needed to work on his life and blah blah blah...Well his working on life was going out all the time and messin round with girls and partying, buyin clothes, shoes, etc...To add another blow to this story...I found out 3 months before that I was pregnant again! That was the hardest thing to tell him and see his reaction...I felt like I did something wrong cause he just looked at me like he had been hit with a brick in the face...No emotion whatsoever...So here I am 5 months after the breakup still hurting so much for everything that has happened...I love him so much and tell him every so often that I just wish we could work things out for our family to be back together...I realize how much I hurt him doing what I did but I have tried to tell him how horrible I feel and that it's not like me to do that since I have only been with one person my whole life...He has been so mean to me this whole pregnancy and I have been under so much stress bc of this...I don't know what to do anymore...I just want to make things right with him again because we fight all the time now and he threatens me with court stuff and lawyers and it just hurts so much...I wish I knew what he really felt, if he really loved me how does everything just completely go away if it's real?! Doesn't he care enough about me and out kids to want to work out our problems. I want to try so hard to stay away from him and not talk to him anymore...I keep thinking maybe that will help him realize that yes we both made mistakes in the relationship but that we do love each other and that it's worth a second chance?? I hope for this all the time but I feel like it is never going to happen and I feel like he honestly hates me for everything...What should I do??? Please give me whatever input u have I could use it all!-reply by Lindsey

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