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Comment On My Sig Rate give me constructive critisism

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I just talked to one of my really old friends, I met him on a graphics forum a few years ago. He's awesome at graphics, and I tihnk I might start getting back into it myself. Here's a quick one that I made up in about 10 minutes, I'd want your critisism on what it needs to look better. I nice 1-10 rating would be nice too.

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EDIT: Fixed broken image

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This sig is really cool. I don't mind having a friend who is expert at graphics, the effect would be like the sig you've shown us here. I would rate 9 out of 10. Mostly those who rate sigs or graphics hardly give a good rating this is simply not because the sig isn't good enough but because the one who rates has the tedency to give a rating low. I supposed if we say its very good, it should be 9 out of 10. The only wish in this sig however would be having a longer width and a little lesser height. The color combination is really awesome for the kind of picture that is in the background. Post more of those!

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Render is a bit overused, but aside from that, good placement and extraction. It needs a border, even a simple 1px black one will do. Also the text needs to be a bit more readable. I understand you want it to blend somewhat with the background, but right now it's perhaps blended a bit too much. Try brushing on top of the render also, to blend that in as well.Good for your first one back... I don't rate usually, I think I'd be too harsh :rolleyes:

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i give it a 6 and i will tel you why brushing need to be worked on i can tell the repeating brushing. the font need to contrast with it i barely can see it myself. yeah work on a border 3px black 2 px white 1px black is usually.com also sie doesn't really mater unless you pop out 800x600 sigs which is not need good size that me and other sig makers have done 400x125 is usually a good size cuz it gives lots of room to work with in brushing fonts and renders as well.

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Render is a bit overused, but aside from that, good placement and extraction. It needs a border, even a simple 1px black one will do. Also the text needs to be a bit more readable. I understand you want it to blend somewhat with the background, but right now it's perhaps blended a bit too much. Try brushing on top of the render also, to blend that in as well.


Good for your first one back... I don't rate usually, I think I'd be too harsh :rolleyes:


Cool Freaker got most of it...maybe try blending the render in a little bit with the bg, and using a little lighter bg with more brushing, and the size could be a little nicer as well.

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