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Should Religion Be Updated? debate modern religion today (poll)

Is church religion outdated?  

29 members have voted

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There is no need to update religion. It will go extinct. Like the pagans it will be just a part of human history. Religion is an idealistic idea, subjected not objective. As our understanding of ourselves grows and matures we will set aside the idealistic way of thinking that religion offers us. To update religion this only means that religion itself will have to embrace the materialistic way of thinking and set aside the idealistic path. It means that we have to rewrite the book of Genesis and a lot of idealist way of thinking will change. And this is difficult for religion. Religion basically is base on idealistic nature. Some religion might be able to do that with ease specially those religion who focuses on spiritualism. But those like the Roman Catholic, I dont think so. But time is changing and they are being left behind. Religion being passive it will have a time that it will cease to exist. But of course not in our lifetime, maybe we will give it 1 thousand years. It maybe hard to accept today since we are groomed and raised as believers. But havent you noticed that the devoted believers are decreasing. Karl Marx was right when he said that religion is an opium in our society. It slows and hinders the progress of our society. The people behind religion doesnt want us to change and progress since they will be left behind and might be out of bread.

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Religion is in fact being updated constantly, since religions are not what their leaders say...

"Religion is the opiate of the people" said Karl Marx... it's in the people, the cultures. Due to globalization, culture are mixing, or rather than mixing, they're being absorbed by a new univocous vision of what culture is .... and we can talk a hundred pages about it, but getting down to the grounds, you must not forget that religion is dependant of all this phenomenon called globalization (they are in internet, radios, TV, etc.).

And why is it dependant? Because economy is changing, and that's the base of societies! (I'm not saying all that matters is money, because money is just the way we care about economy, but saying politics, arts, science, philosophy, institutions, they all happen in a determined moment and time, not in other one, in a society during its development.)

So, as time goes by, and the world still spins around... what is Ratzinger doing?? Keeping a struggle against Liberation Theology and other approximations of religions to science and Marxism. Why? Tell me, why do religions exist? What was a primitive way of explaining the world became in the Middle Age (and before) to be used as a tool to oppress the masses. Also today. What has changed is that the group of values that Catholic Church and Co. defends are the ones which are worth for the new high class, which wants to have people oppressed...


It's a long story, I hope you can understand it. If anything is not clear, please let me know so I'll fix it. I'm just too tired now and my can't write in English anymore. But it's a hell of a topic and I'll be glad to keep discussing it.

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I agree with you that religion is outdated, but I dont think it needs to be updated. I am now living in an Asian city where over 90% of the population has no religion. People here live a fruitful and meaningful life without the burden of religion. People are really much more open minded without religion. I think it is sad that some people simply cannot live without other people telling them what to do with their lives. One of the commonest misunderstandings is that the ancient people had wisdom. But I think the only place you can find wisdom is in science, the only field where knowledge can accumulate to become wisdom.
Modern people (probably except the Americans) have much boarder exposure in a globalized world and I dont think those crappy ancient texts can ever tell us anything about how to deal with modern lives. My comment is: Dont bother with updating religion. Scrap it.

I agree that "Religion" is a burden, congregations are more like a herd of sheep, bein led to do/beleive what the "Church" says.

However "Religion" is "outdated", but if they change things, then that would kind of blow the cover of the conspiracy that is "Religion" and the "Church", and that would defeat the purpose of having it. mid you, I am a Religious Skeptic, not that I dont beleive in a higher power, but in the sense that I think "Religion" and the "Church" are full of BS, Big time.

How is it that 500yrs after the alleged "Miracles" performed by "Jesus", that the bible gets written, by probably the greatest playwright of all time, William Shakespeare? or that the similarities between "Religions" are so similar, as pointed out by "Zeitgeist: The Movie", that humanity have failed to see the ploy that has been set before them?

Its Garbage, all of it, Western "Religion" is a con, and probably the greatest con of all time. George Carlin (May He Rest In Peace, *Moment of Silence for a Genius*) was right:

Religion convinced the world that there's an invisible man in the sky who watches everything you do. And there's 10 things he doesn't want you to do or else you'll go to a burning place with a lake of fire until the end of eternity. But he loves you! ...And he needs money! He's all powerful, but he can't handle money!

People need to open their eyes, and remove head from sphincter before they decide from themselves, but this is just my opinion, along with many others. As my dad says, "There is only one "God"... YOUR's"

*Disclaimer: If any "Religious Fanatics" of any kind were offended by reading this, to bad, it's protected by freedom of speech. It's my opinion, and no, I am not forcing it on you, you read this all by yourself (I Hope).*

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