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Hp6: What's The Bet? Who will die?

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It is rumored (or perhaps known) that one of the 'good guys' will meet their end in book 6. Sirius died in book 5, who'll be next? What's your bet?The harry-potter-haters can ignore this discussion, lol :P

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No. It absolutely cannot happen this early. Anyone who knows anything about Harry Potter knows that Rowling scheduled 7 books in her series - one for every year a Hogwarts student must attend Hogwarts, so if the good guys all die, what's left of the series?

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I'm guessing it's going to be Ron. No special reason other than he hasn't contributed as much as other people have...don't get angry at me if you're a fan of him :D

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snlildude, I was not suggesting a lot of good guys will meet their end. Just read a JK Rowling interview where she said one important [and 'good', whatever that means :(] character will die, and I was wondering who it could be. There are two books to go, and plenty of characters left, and one or two killin's will probably not be enough to bring the story to a standstill. Just my two cents :(rejected,I like Ron the best in the movies, although in the books, I have no special feelings, lol. Sorry, Ron, no offense :D I think it could be Hagrid, although I hope not. As long as Dumbledore is alive, I'm fine. Three cheers to the Headmaster! I know I'll miss Sirius, why did he die? :D

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I hope there's a way for Sirius to come back. He's a great character and I have a crazy Gary Oldman crush, so I'd like to see him in more movies. LOL.If someone is going to die it wont be one of the main kids, it's probably going to be Ron's dad. That would give Ron a reason to cross over to the dark side, or something.

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Hi there, here's my opinion:Fact - it is known that people will die in HP as each successive book comes to pass.Not True - only the good guys will die. Jo Rowling never ever said that - she just hinted that there will still be deaths.As to which character will die, I personally think that each and every character in HP has is place and purpose, even someone like Mundungus Fletcher :P, so I'd rather not bet. My personal favourite characters are Harry, Dumbledore, Hagrid, Lupin, Sirius, Ron, Hermione, Neville, the Weasley Clan, McGonagal, Snape, Lucius Malfoy and Cornelius Fudge.You need a great character to tell a great story - it's unlikely that Jo Rowling will easily kill off the best characters, unless there is a specific point and purpose. With Sirius, the point was to bring home the point that not only can people die suddenly at the drop of the hat for seemingly no reason, but that people make choices and those choices result in consequences.If Harry had used the mirror Sirius had given him, he would have known that no one was in danger. If Sirius had gotten rid of Kreacher, Kreacher would not have been informing Voldemort of their every move. If Sirius had not been so eager to fight, having been cooped up for months, he might have been more cautious and still be alive. Everything comes down to choices... it's difficult to predict who will die or why, but one thing's for sure, there's always a symbolic reason why...

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i'm betting it's gonna be dumbledore who will die in the upcoming HP book....and technically, sirius is not yet "dead", just banished into another dimension... that's what i think :P

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As long as Dumbledore is alive, I'm fine. Three cheers to the Headmaster!


which is why its very likely that he will die, or be gotten rid of at some point before the end. it is said repeatedly that as long as dumbledore is around Harry is safe and protected and that Dumbledore is the only one Voldemort ever feared.


At some point before Harry raises up to finally get rid of voldemort, Dumbledore has to be gone, whether he dies or gets locked up in Askaban or somehow prevented from using his great powers to hold Voldemort back.


Things have to get worse before they get better, and after Voldemort came back (to full power and body) he didn't immediately strike full force because he knew Dumbledore was aware and on the defensive.


If you think of the 1st book, when it came time for Harry to face Voldemort, he had to do so because Dumbledore was gone. voldemort could only make his move when Dumbledore was away...


I always thought though, that if Dumbledore had to die, it would be in the seventh book.


but I really do think Sirius is dead, Rowling is always saying that it is final and that Sirius is gone for good from the life of the living, he won't even come back as gohst. I am hoping maybe Harry will get to "visit" him in the "land of the dead" somehow... like in ancient mythology (i don't remember which exact one)

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LOL ana and serverph... somehow I doubt Harry will get to visit Sirius in the land of the Dead or anything... that just feels too done-before... Jo Rowling's style is the unexpected... I don't think she'd take that plot route *crosses fingers anyway* I do miss Sirius a lot though :P but still... there has to be bitter-sweet in life I guess :P

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Snape's a good guy? Funny I never noticed :( Concertina, you're right, JKR never said it'll be a nice guy... I must have misunderstood, just checked the 'official' website. (btw, happy b'day :lol: )Ana, I do agree that there's a good chance it will be Dumbledore, at least before the end of the seventh book... but that doesn't prevent from hoping it won't be him :rolleyes:

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laugh.gif The original one in the movies is dead.... laugh.gif

!!! Snlildude87 - how can you say that, with laughing smilies some more!!! That's sooo rude and inconsiderate! It's not funny... there's nothing funny about a person dying... the people who knew him would have been very offended if they'd seen what you'd said.


Mama_Soap - :lol: Thankies for the birthday greeting... LOL yeah Snape does make it hard for people to like him... but he has lots of fans, especially since the delicious Alan Rickman's playing him :rolleyes:


I personally hope that wormtail dies. He is after all a traitor and deserves to die. If a good guy dies it could be snape. Voldemort might kill him

s_shan55 - Personally I think Wormtail still has an important role to play... he is indebted to Harry and it is possible that he might one day return the favour and do one thing to undo a little of the evil he helped Voldemort spread...

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