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Posting Issues... Many errors when people post

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It seems lately that I have seen a lot of grammatical and spelling errors when people post in the forums. I really have enjoyed my stay here at Xisto but I get really frustrated when I see people carelessly type their message and give little consideration to any errors they may have typed. Now of course it's not a big deal if there is one or two errors when you post, but when someone posts a small message and there is a couple of errors, it really bothers me.I'm not going to whine or anything, I just want to pass the message that we should all do our best to make this forum as clean as possible. Check your spelling, punctuate properly - just stay on top of your game. It will make the forum a much better place...Thank you,Elevenmil

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Quite True, It happens with me too. But the thing that bothers me the most is when members make spelling mistakes in the title of the post. However, to tackle this, you can always give negative reputation to the members who behave in such a way or who are very very careless.

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Wouldn't that be a tad harsh though? I believe many people here are not fluent English speakers... While we think they are being careless, they could be trying their best. I know that there are a few people who deliberately type in a strange form, and are careless, but that doesn't exactly mean all of them are...

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Good point, yet ultimately it just doesn't look good.  I guess a spell check feature would be great for situations like that...

I'm probably more anal about spelling & grammar than most because I used to be a subeditor, but I've come to accept any standard of literacy when it comes to message boards.
Not everyone is educated to the same level, dislexyia, being more right-brained or left-brained, English as a 2nd language - these all variables that can affect a person's spelling.
I don't agree with the negative rep thing either - as long as a post's meaning is clear, I don't think it's that important what the spelling or grammar is like. It's not like you're running an educational instituation here. Some people will find it hard enough to find things to say let alone crossing all the 'T's and dotting all the 'I's.

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I Second both Phyre and Tyssen and pass it into motion. The Negative points system on something as trivial as a few gramatical errors is harsh. Not only for those who are disabled or trying to learn english as a second language but for those "yuppies" out there who have all thumbs and are used to taking shortcuts in this day and age due to text messaging services on mobile devices. If it is being introduced into something as gramatically correct as Office, why not on a board. So maybe a spell check should be applied but with the options of using it or not and it is the users responsibilty to make sure that their posts are legible.

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It's not like you're running an educational instituation here.

yes,it's just a free webhost site,not a educational instituation or language school.

on Global world,there're more & more people learning english.why they are learing,because it's not the native language to them.

i'm not good at english either,and i'm also make lots of mistake on spelling.but it's not like the spam or something like that,it's just a spelling mistake,or they are learning it.they will be more smoothly with it.

if you add the negative point system i just can't say anything.trap17 has been so scarcely i think.it no need to do more.credit system is enought.

if my words contain something do let you unlike,it's my default,i'm not very familar with all the words of english.

that's my opinion.

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What Tyssen, elevenmill and Opaque are aiming at (to my believes) is the tiny errors that can easily be prevented by previewing your posts and see for those tiny errors like enought(check your post guangdian).


At some point it does get very frustrating, but with relatively a tiny amount of people on the world that have english or american as their full language, you can't expect the whole world to speak it fluently.


People want to post too fast and right there it makes it's errors. Previewing would solve most of the tiny errors that are easily overlooked. On the real sentence grammar of people, you shouldn't give a judgement, because that is an element of learning the language through games and communitys like this one.


English has always been my second language, but I rarely make big mistakes, putting an 'i' instead of a 'o' or 'u' is a small mistake that is too easily overlooked, a spelling check feature to big commercial forums like IPB and PHPbb would be the solution.

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i've seen such posts also. i'm not a native english speaker. but i did try my best to deliver my message to understand the other party. so that i can communicate and i can be in the community! i can share my feelings and thoughts. if i can have a chance, i will learn more languages. :rolleyes:
i'm using dictionary dot com as my reference. i've checked all my vocabulary before pressing post button. so sorry for any grammar mistake.
"if the technology can solve this, it would be very convenience."

p.s. i've tried Spelling Cow for my phpbb board. because of poping-up style and less controllable, i didn't use it for long!

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Another thing that would be nice to have is an 'Edit' button. I know I've made quite a few mistakes myself and found myself getting irritated by the fact that there's no way to edit your post....:rolleyes:

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p.s. i've tried Spelling Cow for my phpbb board. because of poping-up style and less controllable, i didn't use it for long!

yes,even we install the plug in of spelling cow,then how many people would like use that? no one i think. just because the poping-up & less controllable.

and see for those tiny errors like enought(check your post guangdian).

I just know that thank you.

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well, on my way of phpbb, i found this development MOD for phpbb.. "Spelling Checker" adaptation of ajax spell checker, actually. so, i hope it can also code inside to IPB too. it's nice spell checker, i've ever seen.



Another thing that would be nice to have is an 'Edit' button. I know I've made quite a few mistakes myself and found myself getting irritated by the fact that there's no way to edit your post....:P


Enablling edit function to member's post tally to posting credit module which mean if you edit your post back, there are some credits gain agian by editing the post. That's wut i knew.. Spelling checker will be nice..


OMG, i found one more which look good. It's called phpSpell under GPL.. here is a snap


phpbb, invisionboard, vBulletin, Hivemail, phpMail, stand alone, & others.

Extreamly Server Friendly

Supports different languages

Uses word lists or pspell interface

Can filter & ignore html/bbcode

Supports many databases

Correct(All), Ignore(All), & Learn capabilities.


pls check it out.. :(


Notice from BuffaloHELP:
I'm merging your three posts. Next time you can ask mods to merge your posts in a row to avoid warns.

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