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:D Well after a long time when I thought Xisto was down ive finally came onto well logged onto Xisto Forums because I thought they were down, Now my site is buggered so im going to delete it and make a new Sub Domain, Now to get to the point.See when you create a sub-domain for your site hosted with Xisto and in Cpanel you can create sub-domains for your site, are they PHP enabled or only just a simple Sub-Domain ? But I know it has a CGI-Bin :) and can you give me a tutorial on how to create a good template, in other words a good Website :) lolIf anyone could teach me on how to create a brilliant template and even a few pointers on PHP, MySQL etc. because when you look at all these sites there Index page is PHP then u browse the site and it comes out as blabla.php?=cat1&bla bla bal etc. how do i get that, :lol: I Know its to do with the scripts you have on your site but, Heres a site that is good Snildudes site, Nearly every Fellow Xisto'er has visited his site its #1 because its jam packed with fun stuff to do. and hes got good PHP Pages :D Here is what I need to know1. How to create a Good PHP Template for my Personal Site ?2. A Few pointers on PHP, MySQL ?3. How to create a Successful Site :rolleyes: ?Well if anyone can help me God Bless them :D and God Bless the UK instead of America B) Please Help Me, I wrote this post for about 10 mins, dont want it to go to waste ya know !!!!If you have any info please post it here or email me @ : johnmeikle@gmail.comThank You, John Meikle

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That ?act=bleehehe is called , well I think it's called, dynamic something. I've forgotten. It just makes a website have like lesser pages I think.. for eg.. one whole page can have like 5 different pages within.. with out making seperate ones. I think that's what it is.. I'mstill beginner..
And if you don't know ANY mysql at all.. or how to set it up.. then heres what I wrote in a previous post .

I know someone has already explained but anyways:
CPANEL > MySQL Databases
Scroll down untill you see:
Type that in what every your user name is it is adding onto your CPANEL NAME.. e.g [mines Bexa] Bexa_MYSQL. The user name is MYSQL. Password i what YOU make up

Then scroll back up you will see :
MySQL Database:
Type in the name you want for your Database E.G TEST.. so it will be [FOR ME ONLY] Bexa_Test for the database name.

A little below that you will see:
Grant permissions on a MySQL database to a MySQL user.
Click the drop down menus until you find the USER: and the MySQL Database:.
And then in privaledges you can tick ALL.
And then click on 'Grant Permissions'
Thats done..
So you should be able to fill in the information which is automatically install the needed tables into the database.

For DATABASE HOST: You can just type in LOCALHOST

You'll get use to it in a while it's really easy!

but you probably know how to do that. I just quoted it incase you might need it or something.

Anyways. so what is the point in making sites?
- well obviously it's for the viewers out there, so it must be aesthetically pleasing to do eye. And must contain some "interesting" content. - but you probably know that already.

- must at least match or somewhat look O.K together. eg.. a yellow page and white font is a NO NO.. that's just the basics everyone knows.
Try stuff that is unique, vibrant yet not too over the top
- don't really want a cluttered site, it's hard for you to edit and hard for the viewers to roam around.
- a nice simple layout will do,it does not have to be fancy or what nots.
- there is no need to go all "atsy craft" if you don't know how to make anything nice.. a no image layout is OK. just as long it's a VERY nice 'no image' layout.
PHP Layouts
A php layout does not need to consist of HARD coding. A very nice site can just be built on the basics. so don't go copying a load of coding and not knowing how to use it right.. plus ONE mistake in PHP can cause MANY MANY problems..so be careful

I take it you probably know all that but it's just kind of a summary.

My site is pretty crap, but I'm pleased with it. :rolleyes:

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1. How to create a Good PHP Template for my Personal Site ?

I'll assume that you're talking about (X)HTML templates. You can learn to design some excellent sites using these resources, I esp. recommend Open Source Web Design (oswd.org):


If you need any help with CSS/(X)HTML, feel free to PM me, I'm quite the web design fanatic.

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1. How to create a Good PHP Template for my Personal Site ?

i'm good at it but why i should tell you or teach you? :rolleyes:

Notice from whyme:
not a very nice attitude. this is not a place to taunt members.

Edited by whyme (see edit history)

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Thank you for the websites whyme ! :lol: And what news provider should I use for example: CuteNews, SiteNews etc.Any good ones that a free and good and easy to update ! :) if so please, please put the site here that has it availible for download or if it is a News Provider that is Self-Hosted and you need to just register to it, please put the site down, lolHmmmm...... I need some help with domains, im not 18 yet so I cannot register a domain, the only thing I can do is get a FREE DOMAIN if thats possible but I dont want to enter Surveys and to get visitors or that junk, it would be better to just get 50 credits and you can get a .com or a co.uk etc.So the only domain I can get is Domain Fowarders like cjb.net/.tk/uni.cc/co.nr or just the Xisto subdomain :D If there is any further information for you to tell me please post it here or email me @ johnmeikle@gmail.comAnd once again Thanks for the Help !, and I already knew MySQL :rolleyes: Thank You, lol

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glad i could help,I would recommend CuteNews if your just starting off, because it relatively easy to use and setup. (You can auto-install cute news by going to Fantastico on your cPanel). As for domains, I recomend that you use UNI.CC, it's the most powerful and reliable one out there and odesn't require you to pace a link back to them. If you need any more help, feel free to PM me.Good Luck,whyme

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glad i could help,I would recommend CuteNews if your just starting off, because it relatively easy to use and setup. (You can auto-install cute news by going to Fantastico on your cPanel). As for domains, I recomend that you use UNI.CC, it's the most powerful and reliable one out there and odesn't require you to pace a link back to them. If you need any more help, feel free to PM me.


Good Luck,




+ cute news is also fully PHP amd sometimes when the MYSQL is down CUTENEWS will still be up and running good.

+ there are also hacks and mods to easily install for this mod.


if you would like a really good news/blog script and have time to install and stuff you should use moveable type.


Why can't your parents get a domain for you? I'm 14.. and I've got a domain name.

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Why can't your parents get a domain for you? I'm 14.. and I've got a domain name.


My parents are paranoid of credit card scams on the internet.

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