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Multi-core Processors

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I know it hasn't been a very popular topic as far as advertising and discussion with the media and such goes, however recently an awesome new product came out... The title of the post rather gives it away, but it is a Multi-Core processor... for those who arent aware of what it is, it looks alot like a heatsync, only it fits into the spot on your motherboard designed for your processor... This instead, holds 4 processors... You can also buy attatchments for it to hold more, however with 4, it increases your computer's potential like no other. To give an example of the type of power it has, Apple uses something like 100 of the multicore processors, and it supplies their entire mainframe with power and speed to spare... I personally would love to get one of these, thought ranging at between $500 and a grand each for the core alone (thats right, no processors included), its a little out of my price range at the moment... Has anyone here either heard more info about it, or had the chance to use one, or use a PC that had one?

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What the *BLEEP*? A multicore processor?? WOW.....thats one of the best thiinggs too haappen in the PCC World.How I wish that I can get hld of such mulltticore processores. But man, the price is daaammmnnn tooo high. I cant afford to buy somethiing like that with the current statee of my couuntry's economy.Well, hopefully, one day, I wwill be able too lay my hands on it.

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yea, I hear ya... from what I have found out about it, it is so high because its what all the major PC and internet corps use for their mainframes, and was just released to the public within the last month or two... though, they are projecting the price will drop drastically within the next year or so... thats when I am hoping to buy them... They are hoping it will be down to around $100 or $200 USD within a year or so, and remain steady either there or below, so that will help alot...

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AAAHHHHHHHHHHThats is some cool a$$ Crap man.I want one and i will do whatever it takes to get one. Hey anyone wanna go rob IBM next week. LOL JKHey what i hear is that they will not be released to open markets until 2008 for the fact that they have yet to make a motherboard for a home user reasonable enough to hold the processor or a fan that is fast enough to keep the damn things cooled down. All the ones that are in the mainframes at the big companies are all watercooled by more than an inch thick tube which is also in a airconditioned room that has the temp set at about 40 degrees or lower. Hate to be the guy that works there huh.But i suspect that when the do come out to the public they will range in price from 1500 to 3000 depending on the size of the processor. but will likely drop in a year or so.Quan

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haha... yea, I hear ya... they do sound sweet... Anyways, that makes sense... I mean shoot, most fans can barely keep normal systems cool without using a dual fan, water cooling, or temp control... I am hoping it will be before 2008 for general public... though there are a few random places you can catch em from if your lucky... just have to go out and take a look...

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Intel and AMD are making dual-core cpus now. But the XBOX 360 CPU is triple core and the system is about 15 times faster than the old XBOX which btw, was a p3 700 as far as I remember. The CELL CPU for the PS3 is 35 times faster than the PS2 so I can foresee that desktop PC CPUs are gonna become much faster as well.

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yea, thats a great point... i mean, the tech. for it is definitely here, and is already being produced in other products... as Quan said, the only thing really holding it back from normal public PC's is a sufficient cooling system... i mean, how mad would that make you... spend a grand on the core, another grand on good processors for it, get it installed, and throw ur pc into a meltdown... i know i would definitely not be the happiest person in the world... kinda makes you wonder though... would a water cooling system cool it enough if you were to put enough of the water-cores on the processor core? I mean, it seems like it would work in theory... now just need a few grand to test it with...

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Dual-core processing has been out for a short time now. Next year sometime, I hear they may be comming out with quad-core (4x) processing, on one die. The benchmarks are improved with dual-core, but are not doubled. Gamers will be pleased using these new processors the future when they are supported, but for now there are no current games which support dual-core processing for high-end graphical games, so it will only take advantage of one of the cores on the CPU rather than two. The future will change that, and AGP will no longer exist. PCI-Express is slowly moving in, and will become mainstream. Dual-core processors are extremely expensive at the moment, and are most likely not worth buying unless you have a lot of money. Here at AMD's site, you can refer to their latest prices: http://www.amd.com/en-us

AMD's flagship at the moment is the AMD 55-FX. The architecture is outdated, running at 64-bit, 2.6GHz. The 57-FX is expected to be a new, updated architecture running at 2.8GHz. This is an excellent processor for gamers, with a hefty price tag. Most gamers will be satisfied with the midrange-class AMD 64 for desktop computers.

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