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Ixnay On Netbux

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Here are my gripes:1) Their site is down more than it?s up.2) Now they?ve started opening multiple spam windows while we surf.3) Some of these spam windows won?t close without re-booting the computer. :P 4) Their scroll bar interferes with Google?s scroll bar, cutting off the first few characters of every entry, making them hard to read.5) We can?t see the page rank of sites we go to, because The Netbux URL gets in the way.6) We can?t copy and paste the links for the same reason as #5. (Both of these gripes have workarounds?I?m really just steamed about #7.)7) The last straw?they?ve dumped PayPal. The main attraction for me was the fun of having ?found? money turn up in my PayPal account every once in awhile. Now I?m supposed to start over with some other goofy thing to complicate what should have been a nice, simple process. This also makes me question their ethics. I?ve been with PayPal for years, as a buyer and a seller, and never had a problem. In barely a month, NetBux has managed to alienate them. That makes me very suspicious. NO THANKS! BYE-BYE NETBUX.

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thanks for the information. I'll be sure not to investigate further into what I already don't know.

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I've never used netbux anyway because I thought it was too good to be true, but I was going to join when I'm 18 (when you can use PayPal). Now, I know that I should not waste my time with netbux. Thanks!!

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*shakes head in disgust*I knew sometime, a really tempting and popular money making site will turn ugly after gaining a lot of members. That must be what they were waiting for. Lots of members, and turn them down at the peak of popularity. Oh cruel world.

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I've searched in vain for a way to transfer credit from StormPay to PayPal and found nothing.Isn't it just a LITTLE suspicious that StormPay has an affiliate program 6 levels deep?Isn't it just a LITTLE sneaky of NetBux?They deserve to be boycotted!!I'm gonna cancel my account. I'm not going to help them in their affiliate earnings if they're not going to let me be able to spend it.Who on earth uses StormPay? What a stupid name...

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yep thats all true, and i dont really like the simplicity to their website either, it just says to me, theres something wrong....

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Yea, I heard of netbux a while back at another forum....but could not sign up because I didn't have a paypal account. My friend signed up for netbux a long time ago and stop using it because he couldn't stand it anymore. Oh well, I'm glad I didn't sign up for it

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This just pisses me off, and people like me actually searched on it. Nutbux was just a waste of time! I can't believe it. I honestly think that some sort of a con-man has been running this thing. I know that one guy by the name of Chad has. What the *BLEEP* is storm pay anyways? Paypal is like *BLEEP*ing universal then Storm pay comes along? Do they honestly expect costumers. They probably turned off a lot of people just recently because alot were probably near their payout.It's quite sad really. Also tatatee, I'm a little confused on what you mean by "Isn't it just a LITTLE suspicious that StormPay has an affiliate program 6 levels deep?"

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I haven't been to Netbux in a while, and after seeing that they don't accept PayPal, I think I won't use them anymore. Also, they DO seem to be down quite a lot. That was the main reason I quit going there. I think I'll just delete my account there, if I can figure out how. Thanks for that info! I know now that maybe I shouldn't use a paid to search program anymore.

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Also tatatee, I'm a little confused on what you mean by


"Isn't it just a LITTLE suspicious that StormPay has an affiliate program 6 levels deep?"


I was being sarcastic. :rolleyes:


What I meant was that it was an extremely blatantly greedy move on NetBux's part to capture profits from every single member of theirs by making a total switch to StormPay as their SOLE payment processor, so that they could cash in on StormPay's program. It would maximise their earning from it, since it goes 6 levels deep.


There is nothing wrong with using StormPay as a payment processor, I mean, if you like hurting yourself, go ahead (they charge fees but PayPal is totally free; I think someone hit their head and lost their brains over at NetBux).


What is unethical and most impolite is the WAY they chose to go about doing it, with absolutely no consideration for existing members who incidentally (big surprise!) do possess preferences of their own for other payment processors such as PayPal.


I don't include Moneybookers or E-Gold because they weren't offered in the first place, so it's a moot point. But PayPal was for some time the only option. To switch without warning is extremely bad manners, and to go one step further and drop support for it entirely just reeks of pure greed.


Hello, you're paying people 2 cents a search, how much do we earn compared to what they earn for advertising - $70 a week or was it $700 a week?


They forget that consumers have a choice too. We can drop them totally as well. That's exactly what I did.

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Yes, if everyone just suddenly STOPPED searching, hey would be stuck...absolutely, like if we wanted to bring them down, you could just propose a week of NO NETBUX, and make sure as many people knew as possible...that would probably shut them down, or get them into real trouble with their advertisers...Onthe otherhand, some people have a lot of referrrals and are making a fair deal of money out of the program so I cant see it going anywhere, since they are now able to decide how much they payout cunningly hiding this trick by calling them SHARES, get the picture?

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hmm, asince last posting they have done alot to the site...including adding the credit system...which seems to make them more money, or make u less which ever way u look at it...but atleast we know that they are sort of active with all of their announcements...

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hmm, asince last posting they have done alot to the site...including adding the credit system...which seems to make them more money, or make u less which ever way u look at it...but atleast we know that they are sort of active with all of their announcements...


After wasting an hour at StormOfCash (made $.013) I realized that Netbux isn't really that bad, so I signed up for StormPay (I really wanted to get in on their affiliate program :D ). I read this post and figured I'd better read the fine print again. Sure enough, they went from bad to worse. Here are a couple of quotes.


At the beginning of each month a value of a share is determined according to the total amount of revenue that Netbux generated for the previous month. So a share could be worth as much as $.01 - $.05 or more.


You will be paid on the 15th of every month for the previous months earnings if your balance reaches $75.00 or more. The payment will be made within 24-72 hours if you chose StormPay or 3-7 days if you chose to be paid with a check.

So they've cut our earnings potential in half, while tripling the amount we need to get paid. :D


The worst of it is that this miserable program will still probably make my top 10. That's how bad things are out there. :(



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