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Is There God, Why We Are Here

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Replying to DjLukiI think the same can be said of religion "Also evolution is a reason why there are so many people that don't believe in God because they teach it to kids ins chool and many kids don't go to churches/masques. I think that subject should be banned from school. "With a closed mind like yours, information, knowledge, and the desire to learn would suffer a catastrophic blow. Who knows, perhaps the earth would still be flat in most minds. Do you have any other subjects you'd like to ban from our school system? You seem to place a great value on "going to church" Does this mean that if You had the choice of being a "decent", caring, giving, loving human beingYou'd rather go to church? What is so noble about going to church. Do you go to church because it's a value you learned through a lifetime of experience or is it because it's something you were taught as a child.Whatever you do, never question anything about the church that would be awful. After all the church know everything and it has stopped learning years ago. That's for me someone or something that knows it all. THINK ! THINK! THINK! -reply by Bill Konrad

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When we speak about God, we speak about religion, atheist and non-atheist. We all want to know God like we know our limited existence. We want everything to be measurable and comprehensible. Today, we readily accept anything that is non-comprehensible as fake! Everyone wants to know the truth but we just get better at lying.God is a personal experience for everyone and not a matter of reasoning. Our experiences vary and so do our beliefs, besides old beliefs change all the time to form new beliefs. God is knowledge that tells us that there is a lot of good out there and we should be in touch with that good. Ambiguity is not because we follow certain religion; it is the result of ignorance. As long as we ignore the good that surrounds us, we will always see, accept and even do bad. The goodness comes with clear intuition. So much is said about different religions through ancient scriptures, bibles and also the Quran. Religion is not a competition about, who is superior and correct in defining the source of our existence? We are all here now and someday all of us will die. But that is not the end of it and when we try to reason with the life and death phenomenon, we end up concluding that life is meaningless. This meaninglessness is probably the most sought after excuse by depressives to remain depressives.I believe we are here to create new things and worship our work more than anything else. Why limit ourselves with a religion? Religion is nothing but a way of life that suggests certain rituals. Do we follow all the rituals? Do we know everything that is said till now since the genesis of humankind? That would have been amazing, right? Just to know everything that is said since time immemorial. Do we try to think beyond the realms of our limited existence? What if we come up with a new book that is a combination of the Quran, Bible and Gita? No disrespect to any particular religion when I say this but where did the difference come from? Rather than talking about the theory of evolution, Did we ever try to sort out our differences? Or may be find common ground where people from all religions could come together.We all feel the same emotions: Anger, Happiness, Sorrow, Excitement, Motivation and all these emotions are different colors of life. We paint a new picture with these colors every day. We write a new story everyday and the story becomes colorful only because of the different emotions.Whenever we try to define something, we limit that which we try to define into a concept. Life cannot be a single concept or a single ritual. Life is like an ocean and we are shells, the sun shines bright on each shell, and we all deserve happiness! Everyone wants to be happy and we are here to be happy. Can someone reason with happiness? Is happiness a concept, religion, or ritual? Do we care for limited happiness? Does happiness have boundaries? Answer to all these questions is NO!Well, I should not define God because earlier I said so... but for the purpose of this discussion, I would certainly like to add a few lines to this post about God -Know something valuable and good...Believe in something good...Do something good... and accept the people you meet in this journey called life with Love...

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