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A Snake Eating A Kangaroo Not for the faint at heart

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Something quite incredible I came across today, I found a series of screenshots of a Snake (Apparently a Boa Constrictor) essentailly swallowing a Kangaroo whole. Although there is no blood or gorey fleshy stuff in these series of screenshots, I still have the feeling that some people will freak out. So view at your own risk.

Here's the inrecible link -> http://www.ebaumsworld.com/


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Something quite incredible I came across today, I found a series of screenshots of a Snake (Apparently a Boa Constrictor) essentailly swallowing a Kangaroo whole. Although there is no blood or gorey fleshy stuff in these series of screenshots, I still have the feeling that some people will freak out. So view at your own risk.


Here's the inrecible link -> http://www.ebaumsworld.com/




Yeah, I live in the Kangroo Country, and this is amazing, i have seen in real life a snake eating a posum, and i have heard that these snakes can even eat Humans, If they can eat Wallibes(Kangroo) They surely can eat Humans, Well this is Cool!!


...and I'l Tell you wahts gross, when the snake spits the kangroo back after its digested it

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Pretty gruelsome there. Nothing new to me though, I have known for years that boa constrictors can swallow animals the size of a kangaroo for years. Still pretty gruelsome when you see those pictures even if like me you have seen pictures like that before.

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It is almost hard to believe it is a real picture. I can?t believe how much that snake can stretch.

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WHAT THE HELL O-O, i alreade knew that snakes can do that, i have just seen them eating eggs... but seeing THIS!! oh god nature's wicky freaky things, ><

Well thats not something you would see in the UK
Pritty cool how it can eat it whole, wish my mouth was as big as that

haha i wish that too, then i could go to those all-you-can-eat and make it worth to pay 10 dlls hahaha :lol:

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Why would you want a mouth that big? In order to do that you would need to get rid of all of your bones and become a snake! And then you wouldnt be able to post on a PC :lol: Cause u have no fingers!

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geez... amazing!!i wouldn't believe if i didnt see it :lol: How can they stretch so much.. to eat the whole kangaroo..

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It's a normal things for this kind of snakes and you could do this, too. You only need a mouth that can be opened as this (it doesn't break, don't worry "whyme") and a good, very good digestive organs.

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wow, thats some crazy there... i mean, i dunno how the snake can get a whole kangaroo in there body... and does anybody know how the snake digests it and how quickly??? its amazing that a snake can eat an animal that big, nice post... i like this

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That is AMAZING we don't have snakes in the marianas well there are brown tree snakes on the other islands but not on Luta. So cool ^_^-Crazykissez

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