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Hello to everyone in the community! My name is Sebastian and I am from Chicago. I became a member on Xisto yesterday, and am currently taking part in the Xisto community, hoping that I will gather enough credits to launch my site called AmeriBass. AmeriBass is a site devoted to not only the automobile enthusiast, but to anyone that has the slightest interest in cars. I was originally on a different free hosting service (no names, no advertising) only finding myself being abandonded when the service decided not to pay their bills. After looking through many free web-hosting sites, I finally stopped here, at Xisto. The features that this site offers are simply amazing. I really hope that soon I, too, will be able to have my site proudly hosted at Xisto. Gotta go now; I have some more posting to do! :o

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Welcome aboard, Sebastian! The same fate happened to my site. It was also on a different host, and then suddenly I received a "Bad Gateway" message the last time I tried to open it. Oh well, it's a good chance for me to revamp it.Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing your ameribass website. See you around on the forums!

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Hey welcome... Xisto is the best free php/mysql host out there. As you can tell, ive only been a member for a week or two and i love it. I can anything i want and more. My old host shut down and that was dissapointing but Xisto is better so im not complaining any more. Good luck man

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Hello and welcome Sebastian. You found the right place for hosting thats for sure. Xisto has a great community too. I find that since I joined, I spend way too much time in this forum. Be careful it gets addictive. Especially if you get into the Army System. :oWelcome and hope you like it here as much as the rest of us!

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Hey Dude,You are most welcome to Xisto. Your final stop to free and professional web hosting. Here, you will get to meet people of different talents and abilities and I promise you that you will get to enjoy your stay in here while it lasts.Try to post meaningful posts and also try not to spam or you will be asking for the wrath of the admins and mods.Welcome once again.

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Hello,I'm new here as well but welcome, what kinda cars will it feature? I'm very interested in cars especially modified cars and pretty much anything fast.Hope you stick around here and good luck with your site :o

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Thanks to everyone's responses. To answer weeman212's question: the site will feature many different types of cars, including tuners and imports. It's basically a site which will have all types of cars, including ones that you wouldn't normally expect seeing on a car site. I will keep you all informed and up to date. :o

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