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[warning] Russian Hostage Situation Not for the light hearted.

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I'm not one to be touched by horrific images of dead bodies, or even the pits of jewish people, bare skinned in massive graves they dug themselves. I do, however, send my condolences to them, their families and may they rest in peace; but recently I caught a glimpse of one of the many daytime talk shows. They were showing images and had a reporter who described something very horrific, I don't know why, but this did certainly make me think."There was a fountain in the middle of the school yard, and I saw a little girl who was only about 7 or 8, running towards it. As she drank, the terrorists riddled her with bullets."Just imagine this.. Just thinking of seeing someone being shot over something that is an earthly possession, money, or otherwise. (I don't know what it was they were holding them ransom for.) It just disturbs me deeply. That poor girl only had a few years on this earth, but it was taken away from her, just because she wanted a bloody drink of water..Please post your thoughts and comments, or anything else you might have.

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For me i can't stand watching stuff like that on tv. If it was like a movie or something wouldn't fwd it i would just watch it. But yea that is messed, for no reason. I mean i could happen to anybody you'll be walking into a market to by some food and 5 mins later your blown up. Like the suicide bombers in Israel.Sometimes you just don't know why it happened.The thing with the little girl is messed up, i couldn't take it watching it.

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*(Moved to The Lobby, I believe Life was the wrong forum.)


They didn't show any video tape of it, he just told what happened to the girl. Well, I guess I have an overactive imagination, but being who I am, I imagine things artistically, and sometimes.. too dramatically, or just right.


[Anime Vision] I imagine the girl, drinking from a metal fountain. As she's in the middle of quencing the tiniest bit of her thirst, she's shot; time slows to near a halt. Her body cringes with pain, her eyes expressing emotions of disbelief, anger with her life being taken away, and only eight or so years flashing before her eyes. Eight Birthdays, eight christmases, but the saddest of all, and most plentiful of her memories, the terrorists. Her body is struck by a barrage of bullets, she lies dead, a pool of blood beneath her. [/End Anime Vision]

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I didn't hear anything about it...but it sounds sick, whoever did it needs to be die a slow painfull death....I mean killing is wrong itself but killing a little kid who hasn't had time to REALLY enjoy life that much? Thats ****ing wrong sick nasty and just ****ed up. God I wish i didn't read this...now I'm pissed.....

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I, personally, am pro-life. I don't believe in the eye for an eye thing, the death penalty and most certainly do not want to have to hear about a young girl being shot to death. I don't believe the person or persons responsible for the young girls death should be put to death themselves. I think that it is still murder, even if they did kill someone else. I would like to see them imprisoned for the rest of their lives knowing that they will never be free again. I think that is torture in it's own merits... I'm very sad to hear about this girl being shot. I've only heard about the hostage situation in russia once, but never heard about this. I sincerly hope they catch whomever is responsible and justice is served. -- J.

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I sincerly hope they catch whomever is responsible and justice is served.

i seconond that

but waht we all hae to realize here is the fact that this is a complexed situation couse:
-U have got the man that ordered this to happen - the Basajew guy
-and you have the russian government that has denied a nation to have its onw caounty and did wonts thing there to keep them "inline" on a regular basis during the long lasting war

dont get me wrong im not trying to explain the horrible actions taken some weeks ago im just saying that punishments should be fair on both sides and people responsibe for this should be killed but its not Basajew him self .The war sarted some time ago while Jelcyn was in charge so the list should have his anem on it the same goes for the man that continued it Putin.

that my 5cents

as i additon i wanna say that russian special forces and teh government yet again showed that lifes of their citizents are not the biggest value for them

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Is this that relatively recent incident where terrorists siezed a Russian school?


I was absolutely horrified by this. As you said, death and surrounding areas are a part of life - but in such conditions, I just cannot tolerate it. I mean, killing an adult who is innocent and unarmed is something I would have great difficulty doing - but small children? How could someone bring themselves to such a point that they are willing to do that? I saw images on TV and in the newspapers at the time that made me sick too the pit of my stomache. Which is not something that happens easily - I may be young, but I have see a lot in my time.


Oh, and if this is the same incident you are referring too, I'm pretty sure the terrorists were demanding the release of some inprisoned 'comrades'. This is getting a little off-topic, but seriously - how do such people expect to get away with acts of terror in this form? The Russian government simply could not afford to buckle to their demands, regardless of what the price might be - which in this case, was the lives of many children. It's very easy for us at home to think what cruel, heartless people they might be for refusing to give in to the terrorists demands in exchange for the childrens safety, but think about it - if they had have done, then it would send the message to all other terrorist cells and extremist groups that they too could get away with such actions, and I would imagine it would result in the same event re-occuring all over the country, and even the world.


As the head of various governments say, 'we will not negotiate with terrorists'. Regardless of how terrible, how devestating, how horrific, and how inhumane the outcome might be, the reality is that negotiation in this form can only make the overall situation worse. We can not afford to relent to the demands that these people make.

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Plain and simple there are many cruel and sadistic twisted people in this world. But you have to look at this way at least she is now in a better place and her life was taken while she still had the innocence of childhood shading her from how bad this world really can be. The normal human being that has a conscience cannot bring harm to another human being and hence is why we have military training in which they do everything in their power to wipe that part of your conscience so that if the event of war comes to being you wont/dont hesitate when it comes to arms.Granted it isn't a way i would choose to have it done or wish it to be done to anyone for any reason. But at being only 27 yrs old I have seen alot of messed up crap in my time crap like a 12 yr old who was shot and killed over owing a drug dealer money for drugs he was supposed to be selling. It is a sick and twisted world we live in when pre-teens have to resort to selling drugs so they can get by in life. And i know it isn't just in the US that this happens. My condolences to anyone who has lost a loved one either by natural causes or by other means, I have been down that road myself and I can sympathize whole heartedly. But we have to remember to think they are in a far better place with no pain, no suffering, and no cruelty from these cruel and sadistic people who may have been the ones that put them there.Terrorist factions are a part of this world unfortunatly and no goverment can bend to their demands no matter the costs as stated above if that happens this world would be in a bigger set of chaos then it has now. I edited this to clean it up some and such sorry this is a sensitive subject of some sorts to me but i needed to extend my 2cents into it I felt.Thanks for reading my rant.

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I quite dissagree with you, the military teaches you how to use a gun, not how to shoot a man. If anyone has ever played Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, when you first fight with Meril (sp?) and Snake says, "Haven't you ever shot a man before?", you would defnitally know what I mean.My dad, who shot many a man and saw some of the worst things in Vietnam, like children, babies are the ages of 3 strapped with bombs on them just to blow up militant groups. It's sadistic, and horrible, but it's our challenge to make the world better. You think it's horrible when your girlfriend dumps you, or it's the end of the world. Then do something about it, join the army, donate your time to charity, save a life. Don't sit on your butt and do absolutely nothing.Peace.

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Then do something about it, join the army, donate your time to charity, save a life. Don't sit on your butt and do absolutely nothing.

That is just it my friend I may only be 27 but i have served in the Army of the United States of America, Alpha 2/58 MOS: 11B (ground pounder Infantry front lines) I went through their training.

They do more then teach you how to just fire a weapon they bend and mold you into a new human being if you dont believe me ask anyone that has been in, or anyone who knows someone from before they went in and after they got out the person is completly different after the fact even if they never went to battle.

I am not saying that they solely try to wipe out the part of the conscience that enables a normal human being to not be so willing to pull a trigger. But they do Train you so that if the situation arises you will do it with less hesitation.

If you look into the background of most your terrorist factions and such you will learn that they all have military training wether informal or formal training they have it. Because the methods they teach you work. My father was a navy seal he is a 62 yr old man now and i seen him without a second thought pick another man up by his throat and the man was twice his size.

I am not trying to argue I am just saying I have been through the training first hand I am not out of the military and adapting to civilian life when i got out was not easy. There is much need of someone who was taught to sit in the front lines and learned to use various weapon types unless you get into police force or something along the lines of firearms.

Yes it is my fault for not taking advantage of the GI Bill and attending schooling to get training in something else but I want to save that for my son for when he is able to attend college so he doesn't have to worry as much about money matters and such as I have growing up.

But that is a different story for neither here or there and not needed to be brought out to a further discussion here.

As I said My intentions are not to berate your post or opinion just to offer you a first hand perspective. Ask your father whom you said served in the military if you have that chance I am willing to bet he will tell you he made a complete change from when he went in to when he retired from the service.

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I'm only going to make a short reply, I'm not real happy (not because of you or anyone here).I can understand what you say, and you do need to understand my father is 50 years old this year. He is an ex-special forces. Be aware, times change in the decades and training was most likely different. Honestly, I've seen how my peers play violent games aimlessly and without thought kill 'terrorists'. Yet, would they kill someone and realize what they have done? My Dad most likely was like what you said, and most likely was like Merril (sp?) when he first killed someone. I could not say I could torture someone. I could kill someone, but I could not dare to see them suffer.The only difference between a normal human being and a terrorist, perhaps is their actions? Yet, what makes the difference between a terrorist and a soldier? The willingness to save someone through killing another? So many things to be challenged ethicly, but what is the real truth? We'll never know until it's too late, will we?I really need to stop reading Norse Mythology. (Ragnarok)

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Yet, what makes the difference between a terrorist and a soldier?

my answer differs from yours

i see it like that:

both a terrorist(the one withthe gun) and a soldier are the same .the difference is the leader who makes the calles. I more that sure that after 5-10 terrorist atack calls a average soldier would lost his sence of honesty and become a generic ant for a"bin laden"army

human brain is easy to bend if you know the way

and that what is the saddest and yet most horrible thing in this matter

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