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san andreas 2 player mode

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Look at your sanandreas back voer it says "2 player" if yous wantt o know i can tell you how to play 2 player mode, its stupid though.

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Yeah. It is fun but disapointing. Especialy because there is no split-screen and you when a player is in a vehicle the other player can't get in another vehicle.

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yea i know, its cool that you can shoot but i want 2 people to egt into 2 diferent vehciles so we can race! i love racnig and racnig in san andreas if especially fun.

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i agree - i was really looking forward to a 2 player GTA, but i was quite dissapointed when i tried it. the rest of the game wasn't too bad though.

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What is the two player mode like? What do you have to do in it? It sounds cool. I played a multiplayer mod for Vice City on the PC and it was really cool, so I would love to know what this is like!

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I played 2 player mode before big disapointmeant.Because no split screen. try doing this. get a plain and get player 2 to jump on the top of it and then player one get in side. Then take of carefully make sure 2 player dont full of and try and do a barral roll in the air i did it once. Also go as high as you can and get player 2 to jump of of the plain and try and grab him before he hits the gorund or tell him that and laugh at him when he hits the ground :D

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I didn't try 2 player mode because everybody that owns it says it is crap. I most likely won't try it because of this. Isn't it funny how others opinions effect our opinion :S Even if I tried it now I wouldn't like it but, if everybody said it was good I most likely would give it more of a chance and maybe I would find the good parts of it instead of the bad.

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For me , GTA: SA was kinda totally disappointing, I used to play GTA 3 and a little bit GTA: VC but I think it is too stretched,after a half hour of playing I usually stop. :?

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i've never played the two player mode, wot's it like? My bro said it's crap but i got told it rocks! oh well guess i just hav to try it

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how can u QUIT 2-player mode?

san andreas 2 player mode


I know how to activate it

Go to near of your girlfreinds house

But how can you quit 2-player mode without killing player 2..Please respond


-reply by ray h.

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Split Screen plssan andreas 2 player mode

I wanna know how do I play 2 player mode on my laptop. Do I need a keyboard or something. I allready got a keyboard  and a joypad but when I play the 2 player mode with the joypap they both move at the same direction at the same time. PLS HELP ME!



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On my case it does not have the 2 game play symbol. This may be though because of SAMP (San Andreas Multi Player) Its rather fun I recommend you download the freeware and play it. There is also another client like SAMP Called MTA.

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