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Best Fantasy Author

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These are some fantasy authors ive read or heard of..... feel free to remind me of more!


There's very little fiction I like but C.S. Lewis would be one because of the Chronicles of Narnia, which actually have a Biblical message :)


Ravi Zecharias in Jesus Among Other Gods speaks of that message on page 157:


  In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis wrote a magnificent passage illustrating this.  Aslan, the lion, is a figure of Christ.  One of the children, Edmond, had betrayed Aslan and endangered his siblings by selling out to the wicked witch, the Queen of Narnia, who had seduced him by offering him a taste of turkis delight.  By the terms of the law, that betrayal merited Edmond's death.  There was only one way to save Edmond:  Aslan must be delivered into the hands of the queen, which had been the real objective in her scheme all along. 

  Quietly and without resistance, the more powerful Aslan submits to the queen's demands.  After he was humiliated, he was bound to a table of stone, which represented the law, and killed.  Edmond's sisters, Lucy and Susan, were totally despondent as they grieved over their friend.  Suddenly, Aslan appeared before them, triumphant over death.  "What does it all mean?" they wondered. 

  Lewis, at this point in the story, makes this brilliant observation.


"It means," said Aslan, "that though the Witch knew the Deep Magic, there is a magic deeper still which she did not know.  Her knowledge only goes back to the dawn of Time.  But if she could have looked a little further back, into the stillness and the darkness before Time dawned, she would have read there a different incantation.  She would have known that when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."3

That incantation that Lewis speaks of is the prior will of God, that He who knew no sin would willingly lay down His life to pay the price of sin. The Word of God, as promised, was fulfilled.

I haven't read the story since I was pretty young, but seeing this by Zecharias I can suddenly see all the Biblical influences C.S. Lewis brings in. The delights offered Edmond figure mankind's temptation by Satan to know good and evil. Aslan's sacrifice also excellently emphasizes Christ's power to defeat His enemies and His willingness to die for us though He didn't have to. It also shows Satan's attempt to capture the King of Kings only to be tricked himself.

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I like C.S. Lewis's stories, but not the meaning behind them. However, I do enjoy Terry Pratchett (a very witty read), Raymond Feist, occasionally JK Rowling although her writing gets worse and worse as she writes angst into her books, and a few others. I definitely recommend Terry Pratchett's Discworld to you but I don't really read all that much fantasy, regardless of how much I love it. I write it a lot more than I read it, I guess.

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I luved the Chronicles of Narnia as a child .... read and re-read them many times, they were a comforter through hard times .... but then I grew up and graduated to Tolkien .... and now I'm a veritable addict .... for me he is the ultimate fantasy fiction writer ....


JK Rowling is pants! .... her meteoric success has me completely baffled and .... irritated! .... :)


p.s the so called "biblical message" in the Narnia stories went right over my head as a child .... I enjoyed them purely because they were a "fantasy" .... a form of escapism .... so in that respect ..... yeah, kinda like "christianity" .... :D


Cheerie .... ~M~ Posted Image mmm .... Aragorn .... tasty!


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Yeah, I have no idea how she marketed her books that well. She had her best moments around the 3rd book but after that, eh...Harry started becoming a typical angsty teenager and they get to have their chapters about OMGZ ROMANTIC FANCIES.I always noticed the Christian roots of C.S. Lewis' writing, but it never bothered me then because it was a good read. I liked most of them if I remember. The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe was probably my favorite of the series. Mr. Tumnus and the Queen were my favorite characters. Probably Lucy as well, since she's kind of like me.

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