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Ive been using EZ antivirus & EZ firewall, I never have problems. I have them running on all three of my computers, I get more worried about my younger brother downloading files he knows nothing about! someone hacked into his hotmail account a couple of week ago. (dont know how)Does anybody use EZ software? I`d like to know what you think of it please.

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Yeah yeah yeah. You don't seem to realise that you are never completely  safe. I too, use all sorts of implements to minimise the risk but every now
and then something slips thru. Accepting that and prepare for it, is the  
reason I was up and running again in less than 15 min.

i know what you mean. but to give an idea of the power and efficicency of wormguard, as long as nothing tries to infect my system, i cant even notice it running, yet to test it i have written some harmless worms and virii that have never been released and arent recognized by any AV signature file, yet it stilll intercepts them and blocks them from running

is wormguard free and is it good...
if not what is the rrp
very good, but not free. however, i have been using the fully function trial and i still havent gotten anything telling me to register

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I got the norton internet security suit 2005 with my new computer and it runs fine and i havent got one virus.  


Good for you. But you have warned. Don't complain when you start getting problems. :wink:

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I'm using Symantec Norton Antirvirus but when I my notebook was attacked by 7 trojans it did help little to protect it....

Your damn right there, norton just sat back and enjoyed watching me get bombarded by viruses, :x

AVG is running well for me, and yes sandman, it integrates very well indeed...
I have yet to try Antivir, and i will from your reccomendation :D


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Actually, Norton was not too bad when it started, but then it was taken over by symantec. Symantec has shown a unique talent for stuffing up good programs. All the programs they have bought, have been very good programs like Norton Ghost, Norton Antivirus, Powerquest Driveimage, Powerquest Partitionmagic etc. They used to be very good programs, but not anymore. I still use many of the programs, but the old versions - from before Symantec got hold of them!

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Actually, that's quite easy to avoid.

Firstly, in the bios - make sure that you only have your hdd set as boot device. Disable floppy, cd, usb (and network) as boot device.

Secondly, also in the bios - disable writing to the bios (is usually called anti virus or similar). Save - and Bob's your uncle.

Some programs need to write to the bios when you install them so you may sometimes get a virus alert, because the bios will see any attempt to write to the bios as a virus attack, but if you know the program is safe just continue.

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i use NAV2005 fully updated and until now i don?t have any problems...I use NAV and windows SP2 and Internet security firewall and it seems that this tools are protecting me enough . :D or maybe not :D

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yes. i'm not really convinced that the xp firewall does anything to help - well thats what i've heard. You won't really know how well it protects you until the viruses strike.... I'd use something that has some reputation such as zone alarm, but seeing as though i'm using a hardware firewall, things should run fine withoutgood luck man :D

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