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Triple X

Help With Php Mysql Whatever.

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I was going to post this in the hosted forum, but not every ca go there so decided to post it here, if I should post this somewhere else sorry my mistake, ahem.

So I decided to make another *BLEEP* spinoff right? another whiteyfre so non-original spinoff that'll go no where right? Well I finally figured out the whole table thing, made the freaking poll table, now I have to deal with this...


Can anyone help me fix these damn errors?_? %_%

P.S: I dunno what I'll name it, so for now its "Another Spinoff" >_>.

EDIT: Also if you notice three of them are the same(well different files/llines but they are the mysql_fetch_w/e ones), the other is the mysql_result one.

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did you sucsessfull installed the .sql files in you phpadmin?

Uh wait what do you mean? The only thing I've done in phpmyadmin so far is make the polls table. I don' know much about it, I'll probably go to phpmyadmins site and look for a tutorial or something.

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well when i look at you uploaded files,it says: SQL.sql
that file is an sql file.
try to run that on phpmyadmin

What do you mean by "run it on phpmyadmin"? how? Sorry if its a stupid question but I'm still new to this stuff..
Edited by Triple X (see edit history)

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well you have to make tables in you mysql database...you gotta go to your cpanel,then to mysql databases,then under at that page you see: phpmyadmin,then you chose a database (at the left)and hit the SQL (at the bove)and you see a button where you can look a file on your computer,search for that "sql.sql" file,and run that...then it would be done...

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What do you mean by "run it on phpmyadmin"? how? Sorry if its a stupid question but I'm still new to this stuff..

triple x, at PHPMyAdmin: select your database from the list provided (under the PHPMyAdmin & Home link, on the left side). after that, you
will see structure-SQL-export-search-query tabs. click on SQL tab.
since you have your SQL.sql, use the second option provided (Location
of the textfile). browse for your SQL.sql file then load it.

i would suppose you have already set your db permissions settings
if you use several DBs in your site, you can set up different user
permissions from there. then make sure you grant permissions on a
MySQL database to a MySQL user (based on the configuration you have in
your PHP pages).

:P good luck :lol:

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What do you mean by "run it on phpmyadmin"? how? Sorry if its a stupid question but I'm still new to this stuff..

triple x, at PHPMyAdmin: select your database from the list provided (under the PHPMyAdmin & Home link, on the left side). after that, you
will see structure-SQL-export-search-query tabs. click on SQL tab.
since you have your SQL.sql, use the second option provided (Location
of the textfile). browse for your SQL.sql file then load it.

i would suppose you have already set your db permissions settings
if you use several DBs in your site, you can set up different user
permissions from there. then make sure you grant permissions on a
MySQL database to a MySQL user (based on the configuration you have in
your PHP pages).

:P good luck :lol:
Ohhhh I see, so that time I spent making the polls table was a waste... ._. oh well. Thanks.

Now to figure out this error...

Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/triplex/public_html/wfboards/header.inc.php on line 232

eh *thinks*
Edited by Triple X (see edit history)

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Uh sorry for being such a n00b but er...help again *slaps himself*..er does anyone know whats wrong with this?

The error(which is also in my above post) is

Warning: mysql_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/triplex/public_html/wfboards/header.inc.php on line 232

Line 232 of that file=

$theme_path = mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT theme_path FROM themes WHERE theme_id = $userstylem'), 0);

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mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT theme_path FROM themes WHERE theme_id = $userstylem'),

It's complaining about that..

Hmm... Have you looked in your mysql database for theme_path and theme_id? The only other possibility could be that $userstylem is in a script that's missing it.

.. And I don't even know how to program php. :P (Damn.. I'm good.)

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mysql_result(mysql_query('SELECT theme_path FROM themes WHERE theme_id = $userstylem'),
It's complaining about that..

Hmm... Have you looked in your mysql database for theme_path and theme_id? The only other possibility could be that $userstylem is in a script that's missing it.

.. And I don't even know how to program php. :P (Damn.. I'm good.)
and theme_name are part of the "themes" table and its as it should be so that can't be it...unless the sql file from the source wasn't right which would be dumb.
Edited by Triple X (see edit history)

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I have decided to go with a good old invsion board instead of ****ing with this source, but still thank you for the help, it was NOT a total waste because I now know how to work with phpmyadmin a bit better :P

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