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Whats the worst movie you ever watched?

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I've seen my share of bad bad films, but it is hard to recall what one actually qualifies for the top spot in my list, so I'm gonna go for HULK.

Ultimately the biggest disasterpiece in recent "big" filmmaking history.[/b]

I too think the hulk was truly awful. One minute, he jumps 6 feet high and is 10 feet tall. The next,(desert scene) he's like 100 feet tall and pretty much jumped across the desert. I know this is a superhero movie and isn't supposed to be realistic, but I notice small details such as those.

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There are much worst films.One of them is matrix reloaded and any matrix...

It 's bad.

Obviously someone doesn't like originality in the movie industry?

What would your favourite movies be then if you dislike all of the Matrix films?

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Hmm, I may have to think back as a kid because that's when technology wasn't as good, and most movies looked fake. Not too fake because it's a cartoon movie, and nothing too unpractical happens. The worst movie I've ever seen would have to be... (Long Pause)... Sleeping Beauty. :D

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KungpowThe Princess Diaries 2

just awful!!!!!!!

I just tried to watch Kungpow... My bro tried to convince me it was funny...
I would add Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie to the list as well. There's also this aweful Turkish movie I saw at a film festival once...

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