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Do You Have Any Hobbys? well do ya?

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No. i have no hobbies. I'm a hermit who sits around all day chewing on my toes. Just kidding! Of course I have hobbies. Who doesn't? I snowboard, snowmobile, write, read, occasionally teach writing or reading, and I offer therapy and counseling, which are technically hobbies. I also love to dance and sing... Acting, too... I'm pretty wierd. Oh, then there's all this computer stuff--graphic design, HTML, etc....

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Me plays the guitar. Me likes to write and read. Me likes to run and swim. Me likes the outdoors! I've got plenty of hobbies to keep me occupied when I'm not stressing over schoolwork :D P.S. - I work at a nude beach in the summer. Lots of volleyball goes on there, believe me...

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Hey..Hobbies.. Hmm Well I have a few.. My biggest is being on my forum. Yes I consider it a hobby. Some consider it a chore, but I dont. I love my forum. Its a support forum. Anywho. Im not going to sit here and advertise. LOL.Hmm what else.. I paint.. Acrylics.. I suck at it a lot, but I still have a lot of fun with it. Ive painted a really huge froggy, with one eye bigger than the other (cute.. hehe).. Umm. A monkey LOL. A dove, a mouse, hmm *thinks*, and a few others not worth mentioning.. What else.. I write sometimes.. Poetry and such.. Not very good at that either, but its still fun.. I do some photo manipulation/digital graphics. Thats pretty fun too. Again.. I suck at it..Even though I really suck at all the artsy stuff, its a really good way to distract myself when I get pissed or something lol.Hmm what else.. Well I dont know if this is considered a hobby, but I listen to a lot of music. Mostly classic rock. Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, the Eagles, Pink Floyd, Queen, etc etc.Anywho. I think thats all. All I can think of anyway. :D Hugs,Amby

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My hobbies include web designing whether I'm good at it or not, Listening to music, reading books, photography (which I've really not done any though). Lately like Amby said, I've also discovered that being on a forum has become part of my hobbies. However my real fear is that I may spam around while trying too hard. :D. I hope I do not fall there... forums are where I get support, it a new hobby too. thanks.

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I love to write and do audio consisting of poetry and freestyles...Also, I like to play chess... JHU Chess club moving on up in the world.-1-

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I do some music.I sing and play the clarinet and the violin (although it's not a normal violin).Anyway, I hardly play the clarinet and the violin these days...although in the past I played the clarinet for a band and so I played every day. Now I only managed to sing in a choir every week, which is going well, and I have been with this choir for almost 4 years. It's fab.I hope I'll manage to do more music.My nw hobby now seems to be creating/updating my website. (which is a great fun too).

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