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The Sony Robot? anyone seen this thing

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i was looking on the net a couple of days ago and came a croos a video of this extrodinary robot, i think its name was something likr the RX-17 or sumthing im not sure, but it ca remember peoples faces and objects, it can be programmed to do pretty much anything, like dance, play sports, and get ur news paper, and it can be controlled via internet, what if someone haced thi s thing, and made it go all skitzo, and killed people and stuff... well anyways thing thing is awesonme,,, its priced around $30,000 in japan

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yow maybe you got an website?i saw something like that on discovery once,its pretty cool.i also got an article about robots crossing the dessert(robot cars)without any drivers... pretty cool doh

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yow maybe you got an website?i saw something like that on discovery once,
its pretty cool.
i also got an article about robots crossing the dessert
(robot cars)
without any drivers... pretty cool doh

i have also heard about such a robot before and also watched it on the discovery too. The one i watched could do things like make coffee for you and fetch your things for you. it is even programmed to drive but you have to be telling it what to do at any particular time.

Reprogramming such a robot to be destructive can be a real catastrophy.

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i was looking on the net a couple of days ago and came a croos a video of this extrodinary  robot, i think its name was something likr the RX-17 or sumthing im not sure, but it ca remember peoples faces and objects, it can be programmed to do pretty much anything, like dance, play sports, and get ur news paper, and it can be controlled via internet, what if someone haced thi s thing, and made it go all skitzo, and killed people and stuff... well anyways thing thing is awesonme,,,  its priced around $30,000 in japan

Hmm, if it could be controlled remotely accross the Internet, then I would imagine that for one, it would be pretty tight security, and heavily password-protected, and two, that there would be some kind of voice over-ride sort of thing. Or something like that, so that those who had physical access to could prevent it from doing things that it was remotely ordered too.

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